Final Project

Concept and Analysis

FABKIT Training of trainers


FABKIT is a project started by GHL and supported by the fablab network. The main objective is to create a low cost, replicable and “open” fablab to be deployed in refugee camps or developing areas to empower local communities. To support local users, the package will include: The machines (mainly to be assembled and producible in a Fablab) The structure (reusable as furniture\enclosure of the machines) Contents (material that can be used by the instructor and by local trainers): "training of trainers tool box" (with web site) . This project was born with the will to be spread as much as possible, within humanitarian projects but not only. After this first design and prototyping phase the idea is to start testing it in different context. With the support of GHL or other humanitarian associations which they consider interesting for the context in which they operate, to develop reality like fablab or laboratories where there are digital fabrication tecnolgies.

Contents: "training of trainers tool box"

Within this section there are different types of educational and training contents. These are followed by a template and some design guidelines to allow an open contribution without losing the continuity of the system. There are: