This project was born with the will to be spread as much as possible, within humanitarian projects but not only.
After this first design and prototyping phase the idea is to start testing it in different context
with the support of ghl or other humanitarian associations which they consider interesting for the context in which they operate, to develop reality like fablab or laboratories where there are digital fabrication tecnolgies.
The logic that I imagine is always to use digital fabrication as a "tool" that empowers people:
with focus especially on children and teenager.
After this step the system will be implemented and completed with all the necessary guidelines for dissemination.
Parallel to this it would be interesting to understand if people want to contribute content to be added to the platform.
This system, due to its versatility and ease of use, can be adapted to different contexts, even more common (and traditional) than a refugee camp or a war zone.
The formula can be personalized and scheduled I hope that you upload many contents that make it interesting. For a new fablab can be used like humanitarian context: "informal" for training the trainers, or the users, so also used in different way inside schools or center for kids and teenagers.
For the nature of the project, but also for the possible developments within new fablabs or schools, TUTORIAL and training of trainers system are distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA license, that permits free use and re-purposing by others.
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.
The idea for the video is to show the toolbox in use (opening the drawer with rfid, access to content), documentation platform and how to contribute.
If there is an opportunity I would like to put a part of the making of that could be useful for those who decide to replicate it (a small demo of instructions).