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Week1: Principle and practice

Assignment: plan and sketch a potential final project


My final project is a multi-thermal-control (and transportation) box. It is basically a plate whith different areas. The user can fix the target temperature of each area, and the system will automatically do PID to reach those target temperatures.
Such a plate would be usefull in many scientific instrumentations set-up, where it is critical to thermalise differents parts of a system at different temperature, with accuracy and whithout thermal cross-talk.
On my final project page, you can see how I came to need such a plate for my LED-based spectrometer.



The Plan: Engineer the best I can, with the June 2018 deadline.
As I work alone on the R&D, for now, no advanced planning is required. Once the first working prototype is done or when the deadline rings (which ever comes first), I will have enough practical feedback and insights of the core R&D challenges to draw the right R&D roadmap.

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