week 17 | applications and implications
These are some essential questions about my final project.
What will it do?
My final project, the skater dolly, will move my camera to capture motion time lapse videos in a special way. The camera won't move straight (but it could!), it will move in a pre defined curve. This allows to capture a time lapse with included parallax.
Who has done what beforehand?
I found 2 different projects from 2017, but both of them aren't the same like my skater dolly. The first looks like a mobile booth, which is for a completely different purpose. The second is a slider with pre-defined angle and limited travel. Even another purpose.
The commercial way is buying an Edelkrone Skater or something else, which is nice but very expensive for the possible payload of 2.5kg (depending on the actual configuration, my camera can be too heavy for this).
What materials and components will be required?
There is nothing really special in my final project. The mechanical parts consists of a contour milled aluminium sheet, the axles are standardized parts like screws made out of steel, the electronic can be low-cost fabricated by any PCB supplier, the used electronic parts are actual and in the future used components without EOL mark. The wheels and bearings are made for inline skates. The PCB housing is printed with PLA.
Where will they come from?
 Electronic parts: Mouser
 PCBs: Seeed Fusion
 Motor and Display: EXP-Tech
 Wheels and bearings: Amazon
 Battery tray: Conrad
 Aluminium sheets: ProKilo
 Screws etc.: Ganter
 PLA: in stock before
 Gearbox: in stock besore
How much will it cost?
 $25 Motor
 $17 Wheels
 $35 Bearings
 $5 Brass bearings
 $3 PCB
 $9 PCB stencil
 $50 Electronic parts
 $40 Standard parts
 $10 Camera connector
 $20 Display
 $10 Aluminium sheets
 $224 Total
Yes, expensive. But it does exactly what I want and is stiff enough to carry a large camera. Absolutely worth it's price.
What parts and systems will be made?
 Completely custom SMT electronics
 Integrated motor driver with heat coupling to the frame
 MOSFET driven camera trigger
 OLED display which is readable under heavy sun conditions
 Integrated power regulator and distribution for standard batteries
 Custom milled frame and motor holder
What processes will be used?
 Electronics design
 Mechanical CAD
 Embedded Programming
What tasks need to be completed?
 Programming the board
 Design and print the enclosure
 Assemble all the part together
 Testing all functions
 Tweak the software parameter and GUI to gain the most satisfying result
 Testing, testing, testing...
What questions need to be answered?
 Was the Nav-Stick a good choice as input device?
What is the schedule?
 It's June 1st...
 10 Days left until cut-off.
 1.-3.6 mechanical assembly & documentation
 4.-6.6 programming & documentation
 7.-10.6 evaluation, testing & tweaking
 11.6 deadline.
How will it be evaluated?
I will test the system under different conditions like day & night, where very different movement speeds and behaviors are needed to produce a good and continous result.

This work by Daniel Bruns is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.