
Box parameter (Box)

Represents a collection of oriented Box geometry. Box parameters are capable of storing persistent data. You can set the persistent records through the parameter menu.

Remarks: Box geometry is a primitive 3D data type. Unlike the ON_BoundingBox class in OpenNurbs, box primitives can have any orientation in world space. A Box is defined by a Plane and three numeric domains.

Box parameters accept data in multiple formats. When confronted with any kind of non-box geometry, the world boundingbox of that geometry will be used to instantiate a new Box

If confronted with uncastable data, the parameter will contain an error message for each failed conversion

Double parameter (Number)

Double parameter

Represents a collection of double-precision floating point values (it has got nothing to do with two of anything). Double parameters are capable of storing persistent data. You can set the persistent records through the parameter menu.

Remarks: Values that pass through this parameter can be post-processed by any expression by setting a custom expression string in the parameter menu. Note that expressions can result in invalid numbers (Logarithms and Square roots of negative numbers for example). If the result of an expression is not a valid number, the corresponding data entry will be set to #NaN, but it will not be removed from the data set in order to avoid list mismaching down the line.

Double parameters accept data in multiple formats. When confronted with numeric data (both integer types and floating point types), an accurate conversion takes place. When confronted with Strings, a textual evaluation is performed.

If confronted with uncastable data, the parameter will contain an error message for each failed conversion

Plane parameter (Plane)

Represents a collection of Plane primitives. Planes are defined by an origin point and three axis vectors. They represent local coordinate-systems which are often used in transformation operations. Plane parameters are capable of storing persistent data. You can set the persistent records through the parameter menu.

Remarks: Planes are previewed as small C-plane grid systems. The extent of these grids is always 1.0 in each direction, which could mean that the preview is far too small or way too big for your purposes. At present, there is no way to adjust the size of the preview widgets.

Planes can instantiate themselves from a number of different data types. Anything that can be represented by a point can also be represented by a plane.When confronted with point data (p), a new plane parallel to the World XY plane is created with the origin at (p). Planes can also be instantiated from planar curves and surfaces.

If confronted with uncastable data, the parameter will contain an error message for each failed conversion

Curve parameter (Curve)

Represents a collection of Curve geometry. Curve geometry is the common denominator of all curve types in Grasshopper.

Remarks: Curve data can either be inherited from other components inside the Grasshopper Network, or they can be referenced objects in the Rhino model. If you reference an existing curve or edge object, this Grasshopper Network becomes dependent to your current Rhino model.

Curve geometry can have any intrinsic parameter domain, depending on what subtype of curve is represented and the method of creation that was used. However, by enabling the ‘Reparameterize’ option in Parameter menu, all local curves will be forced unit domains (0.0 ~ 1.0).

Curve geometry can instantiate itself from all other curve types such as Lines, Polylines, Circles and Arcs (incomplete list)

If confronted with uncastable data, the parameter will contain an error message for each failed conversion

Geometry parameter (Geometry)

Represents a collection of 3D Geometry. Since new types of geometry are continually added, the preview and conversion algorithms of this parameter may be incomplete as it fails to recognize some data types that could -in a perfect world- have been treated like regular geometry.

Remarks: Note that Vector constructs are currently converted into Points when fed into a Geometry parameter. This typically gives no problems since both Vectors and Points can instantiate themselves from one another, but Transform matrices act differently on these two types. As a result, it is currently not possible to transform vectors natively.

If confronted with uncastable data, the parameter will contain an error message for each failed conversion

Rectangle parameter (Rectangle)

Represents a collection of double-precision floating point values (it has got nothing to do with two of anything). Double parameters are capable of storing persistent data. You can set the persistent records through the parameter menu.

Remarks: Values that pass through this parameter can be post-processed by any expression by setting a custom expression string in the parameter menu. Note that expressions can result in invalid numbers (Logarithms and Square roots of negative numbers for example). If the result of an expression is not a valid number, the corresponding data entry will be set to #NaN, but it will not be removed from the data set in order to avoid list mismaching down the line.

Double parameters accept data in multiple formats. When confronted with numeric data (both integer types and floating point types), an accurate conversion takes place. When confronted with Strings, a textual evaluation is performed.

If confronted with uncastable data, the parameter will contain an error message for each failed conversion

Brep parameter (Brep)

Represents a collection of Brep geometry. Brep stands for ‘Boundary REPresentation’ and all surfaces and polysurfaces in Rhino are Breps. If a Brep has only one face, it is considered a surface in Grasshopper.

Remarks: Brep data can either be inherited from other components inside the Grasshopper Network, or they can be referenced objects in the Rhino model. If you reference an existing (Poly)Surface, this Grasshopper Network becomes dependent to your current Rhino model.

Brep geometry can instantiate itself from other Breps, Surfaces, Spheres and Boxes.

If confronted with uncastable data, the parameter will contain an error message for each failed conversion

Integer parameter (Integer)

Represents a collection of Integer numeric values. Integer parameters are capable of storing persistent data. You can set the persistent records through the parameter menu.

Remarks: Integer values that pass through this parameter can be post-processed by any expression by setting a custom expression string in the parameter menu. Note that expressions can result in invalid numbers (Logarithms and Square roots of negative numbers for example). If the result of an expression is not a valid number, the corresponding data entry will be set to zero and a warning will be added to the parameter. The value will not be removed from the data set in order to avoid list mismaching down the line.

Integer parameters accept data in multiple formats. When confronted with numeric data (both integer types and floating point types) a rounding conversion takes place. When confronted with Strings, a textual evaluation is performed. All floating point input is rounded to the nearest integer value.

If confronted with uncastable data, the parameter will contain an error message for each failed conversion

Boolean parameter (Boolean)

Represents a collection of Boolean (True/False) values. Boolean parameters are capable of storing persistent data. You can set the persistent records through the parameter menu.

Remarks: Boolean values that pass through this parameter can be inverted on the fly by checking the ‘Invert’ option in the parameter menu.

Boolean parameters accept data in multiple formats. When confronted with numeric data (both integer types and floating point types) values equal to zero are converted to False, non-zero values become True. Any other data-type is converted to a textual representation and subsequently fed through the system standard Boolean Parser routine. If confronted with uncastable data, the parameter will contain an error message for each failed conversion