This article is one of the most important. Firstly because it will introduce the 3D modelling approach, and twice because numbers of our machines in the Lab work with Fusion 360 Ultimate.
Please notice that you will need Ultimate to work with a part of the machines from At3flo. We will guide you here to obtain your free software by our lab.
Firstly go to :
Then make sure you click on the Fusion 360 Ultimate link :
You will be redirected here :
Pay attention that at the moment (February 2017) Ultimate is only available in English! So don’t change country nor language.
Then signin with your adress given by an administrator from the Lab. If you don’t have one please take contact with us. You will then get a page looking like this :
Then fill the form with your student data by at3flo :
If you are asked about adding your institution fill those two forms like this (please put your personal phone number) :
The website will confirm that your profile was updated and ask you to accept them :
You will normally be redirected back on
Just click on register :
Then you can download the Fusion 360 Ultimate version !
Start your Fusion 360 instance, you will be then asked to sign in with your previous registered account :
After that please control that you have the Ultimate version by going on the CAM part :