Computer Aided Design

February 4, 2015

To model (draw, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project, and post it on your class page.

2D Modeling:

As an architect I have mostly worked with Autocad but only in 2D. So the first step, 2D modeling of the robot has been pretty smooth.

Figuring out the dimensions of the pieces, since they assemble on an angle, from a triangle to a rectangle in a pyramid shape.

3D Modelling:

I decided to stick to Autocad and finally learn its 3D modeling capabilities.

Figuring out how to do a 3D model out of my 2D drawing especially, since as I mentioned, the robot's body is like a pyramid.
Following various online tutorials, I was able to build the 3D Model and then render it's materials. It has taken me a few days to do this 3D model but I feel accomplished!
It was specifically gratifying to also model it's electronics, including wires!

In this link you can find the 3D Robot Design Autocad File:
Myraida's Robot Design File