week 3: electronics production
First and very exciting experience with soldering. It took me two hours to solder this much. The most difficult part in this was the IC1 t44. Yeah it was when I just messed up tiht he board. Realised it would be difficult if solder is added on all the "legs" on base then try holding the component firm on it. This way component kept on sliding. I could not disconnect the component which was fixed wrong. Pulling it was the not at all wise idea. It came off with the cooper foil. Circuit distroyed.
Failure with file format. Sending wrong information to machine even if the rml preview on screen is correct.
After milling two PCB at a time, regerence from http://academy.cba.mit.edu/content/tutorials/akf/electronics_production_FabISP.html helped a lot. Sequence of soldering is very important. Minute details like orientation of component certainly matters for circuit to work. All placed well. All the above process took 8 odd hours.
USB header was not alligned well. Neither soldered. So start all over again.
Finally this one got done in 2 hours. And it works! For programming as well Fab Academy AS220 tutorials are helpful http://academy.cba.mit.edu/content/tutorials/akf/programming_FabISP.html