The Fabacademy experience,

Stage 3 : Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, and Modeling

Resume of the lesson

I first start using, an amazing web CAD. Following 5 o 6 online tutorials , you're ready to start creating your 3D volume. The main point to understand is how to use correctly the "workplane" when you are creating shapes.Then it's quit a fast solution for approximate prototyping.

Here is the design of a first sketch of my project :

sketch of thefungun sketch of thefungun sketch of the head-arm

But , as tutors of the Fablab said, Tinkercad is not a profesional 3D software, and you quickly found too heavy limitations.

Then I've tried to use Rhino ... a real nightmare software , especially if you're using an Apple computer ! The Mac version is still in beta, so 3 main points are missing in action :
But, with a snail productivity , I finally draw a first version of the FunGun. Because it was difficult to decide what would be the correct size and shape in the screen, I step down and make cardboard shape , in order to have the correct scale. Then I made a foto , and import it on Rhino => it was then "easy" to extrude the curb :

sketch of the head-arm sketch of the head-arm

Finally, we've got a simple 3D file of the Fungun :

sketch of the head-arm

The 2 circular pipe will be used to fix the FunGun to another form on top of it, to simulate an automatic gun , a winchester ect... In a first stage, we'll use "scratch" band , so the circular form of the pipe will be perfect for resistance.

I didn't have design in Rhino the arm-head, because I'm not sure I will build it : this is why I added 2 semi spherical parts on the 2 laterals of the FunGun. The idea is those 2 parts will be transparents, puting inside the IR receptors for detecting the opponent shots. If I've time, it would be perfect to have the arm-head, in order to be able to shoot somebody from the back,something not possible having recpetors only located in the FunGun ..