
interface and application programming

Week 12 Overview

The interface and application programming week covered how to write programmes to make interfaces creating mainly visual representations of the sensor data coming from the input board we made.

As I am hoping to build an interactive installation of some sort the programming languages or IDEs that I'm really interested in are
1. Processing
2. Open Frameworks
3. Javascript

Links to the tutorials and materials for interface and application programming


The assignment for the week was to write a programme that interfaces with one of the input sensors we made or an output device.

Description of Embedded Programming Work using ubuntu OS

I deciced to use processing to make an interface that would work with the phototransitor to change depending on the light in the room. Depending on the light reading the interface will change to one of the following night, dusk, cloudy or sunshine scene.

Hardware for the assignment

  • FTDI cable
  • hello light board

Software running on Ubuntu OS
Most of this should be installed from the other electronics weeks

Processing Programming

One of the main resources I used was the processing online reference as well as the examples provided in the processing IDE.

Link to processing online reference

Joel had sent me on some processing code to communicate with the light sensor board. First of all I just commented out the code to figure out what exactly the programme was doing.

Download processing example from Joel with comments added

import processing.serial.*; //import the serial communication library Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class int val; // create a varible called val to store the Data received from the serial port temporialy int[] sync = {0,0,0,0}; //create an array called sync holding 4 values all that are 0 boolean readLow, readHigh;//create 2 boolean (true or false) varibles to store the low and high bites void setup(){//setup function that only runs once at the start of the program size(200, 200);//make the screen size 200 by 200 pixels String portName = Serial.list()[0]; //create a string variable called my port and make this be the first serial port available in the array of serial ports myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);//open the port and set it at the baud rate we want myPort.buffer(1);// setting the number of bytes to bufer before callin another serial event. so we just want to take one byte at a time, process this and then take the next byte readLow = false;//setting the low reading to nothing initially readHigh = false;//setting the high reading to nothing initially noStroke();//making there be no stroke for any drawings fill(255);//setting the fill colour to be white } void draw(){//draw loop that is constantly running } void drawGraph(int val){//the loop the changes the colour of the background. needs the int varibles val to be passed to it background(map(val,0,1024,0,256));//set the background colour to be the mapped value of val which could be a value anywhere //between 0 and 1024 and set it to be the equilvent to a value between 0 and 256 } void serialEvent(Serial myPort){ //function to read serial port events. need the serial port reading to be passed to it if (!readLow & !readHigh){//if readLow and readHigh is false (which is what we set it to in the setup)then.... sync[0] = sync[1]; sync[1] = sync[2]; sync[2] = sync[3]; sync[3] =;//set the 4th entry in the array called sync to be the reading of the serial port if ((sync[0] == 1) & (sync[1] == 2) & (sync[2] == 3) & (sync[3] == 4)){//if the entries in the sync array are 1,2,3,4 then... readLow = true;//set readLow to be true }//otherwise do nothing } else {//otherwise..... if (readLow) {//if readLow is true val =;//val becomes the port reading at this moment readLow = false;//set the readlow to false readHigh = true;//set the readHigh to true } else {//otherwise if (readHigh) {//if reading true is high val = val + (256*;//val becomes the previous val amount plus 256 multiplied by the current port reading readHigh = false;//set the readHigh to be false drawGraph(1024-val);//use the drawGraph function to change the colour of the background } } } }

A few points from the code are;

  • 6 bites are being sent every cycle
  • The first 4 bites are 1,2,3,4 then a low bite and then a high bite
  • We are concerned with the low and the high bite and put them together to get our reading from the sensor
  • The sensor values will be between 0 and 1024
  • The rgb values for colour are betwen 0 and 256

Something I was confused with was the line which multiples 256 to the high port reading

val = val + (256*; //val becomes the previous val amount plus 256 multiplied by the current port reading

Joel explained why we are doing this;

the A/D converter on the attiny45 supplies a 10-bit number, ie between 0b0000000000 (0) and 0b1111111111 (1023). However a byte is only 8 bits, so can carry up to a maximum of 0b11111111 (255). Therefore to read the value, you have to split it up. It gets split down the middle, so you get a high byte and a low byte like this -
10-bit reading 0b1111111111 equivalent 16 bit reading (ie two full bytes) 0b0000001111111111 split down the middle into two 8 bit values 0b00000011 and 0b11111111

so the attiny45 sends the low (0b11111111) then the high (0b00000011). You need to stick them back together to get the full value. But what you've read in is 0b11111111 (255) and 0b00000011 (3) so you can't just add them together; you need to multiply the high byte before adding the low byte.

Think of it in decimal numbers; if you wanted to send 1234 as a pair of two-digit umbers, you'd send a high pair (12) and a low pair (34). To stick them back together you'd multiply the high pair by 100 (12 x 100 = 1200) then add the low pair (1200 + 34 = 1234).

Then I altered the code to create different scences on the interface depending on what the readings from the phototransmitter were.

Download processing code

import processing.serial.*; //import the serial communication library Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class int val; // create a varible called val to store the Data received from the serial port temporialy int lowVal = 10; int highVal = 990; int midVal = (highVal-lowVal)/2; int lowMidVal = (highVal-lowVal)/4 + lowVal; int highMidVal = highVal - (highVal-lowVal)/4; int[] sync = {0,0,0,0}; //create an array called sync holding 4 values all that are 0 boolean readLow, readHigh;//create 2 boolean (true or false) varibles to store the low and high bites void setup(){//setup function that only runs once at the start of the program size(1000, 750);//make the screen size width by height in pixels String portName = Serial.list()[0]; //create a string variable called my port and make this be the first serial port available in the array of serial ports myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);//open the port and set it at the baud rate we want myPort.buffer(1);// setting the number of bytes to bufer before callin another serial event. so we just want to take one byte at a time, process this and then take the next byte readLow = false;//setting the low reading to nothing initially readHigh = false;//setting the high reading to nothing initially noStroke();//making there be no stroke for any drawings fill(255);//setting the fill colour to be white } void draw(){//draw loop that is constantly running } void calibrate(){ int midVal = (highVal-lowVal)/2; int lowMidVal = (highVal-lowVal)/4 + lowVal; int highMidVal = highVal - (highVal-lowVal)/4; } void changeBackground(int val){//the loop the changes the colour of the background. needs the int varibles val to be passed to it println(val); if(val > lowVal & val < lowMidVal){ // night time night(); }else if(val > lowMidVal & val < midVal){ //dusk dusk(); }else if(val > midVal & val < highMidVal){ //cloudy day time clouds(); }else if(val > highMidVal & val < highVal){//sun shine sunshine(); } } void serialEvent(Serial myPort){ //function to read serial port events. need the serial port reading to be passed to it if (!readLow & !readHigh){//if readLow and readHigh is false (which is what we set it to in the setup)then.... sync[0] = sync[1]; sync[1] = sync[2]; sync[2] = sync[3]; sync[3] =;//set the 4th entry in the array called sync to be the reading of the serial port if ((sync[0] == 1) & (sync[1] == 2) & (sync[2] == 3) & (sync[3] == 4)){//if the entries in the sync array are 1,2,3,4 then... readLow = true;//set readLow to be true }//otherwise do nothing } else {//otherwise..... if (readLow) {//if readLow is true val =;//val becomes the port reading at this moment readLow = false;//set the readlow to false readHigh = true;//set the readHigh to true } else {//otherwise if (readHigh) {//if reading true is high val = val + (256*;//val becomes the previous val amount plus 256 multiplied by the current port reading readHigh = false;//set the readHigh to be false changeBackground(1024-val);//use the drawGraph function to change the colour of the background /*if(val > highVal){ highVal = val; println("highVal = " + highVal); calibrate(); }else if(val < lowVal){ lowVal = val; println("lowVal = " + lowVal); calibrate(); }*/ } } } } void night(){ //NIGHT TIME SETTINGS noStroke(); // println("night"); fill(255); background(0); ellipse(width-width/4, height/4, width/2, width/2);//moon //stars star(50,120, 0.75); star(230,170, 0.5); star(150,50, 0.25); generalScene(); } void dusk(){ //background noStroke(); background(0,0,64, 50);//navy colour fill(250,39,10,30); rect(0,0,width, height); //sun settings fill(255,0,0, 150);//colour for sun inner circle ellipse(width/4, height-height/4, width/2 - 25 , width/2-25);//sun inner circle fill(255,88,9, 200);//colour for sun outer circle ellipse(width/4, height-height/4, width/2, width/2);//sun outer circle // println("dusk/sunset"); generalScene(); } void clouds(){ //CLOUDS noStroke(); fill(230,186,70,200);//fill for the sun background(126,147,173); ellipse(width/3, height/4, width/3, width/3);//sun fill(240); ellipse(width/8, height/3, 100, 50);//cloud 1 ellipse(width/8-30, height/3-20, 80, 40);//cloud1 ellipse(width-width/8+40, height/5, 120, 70);//cloud 2 ellipse(width-width/8-60, height/5-20, 80, 40);//cloud2 //println("cloudy"); generalScene(); } void sunshine(){ //SUNSHINE noStroke(); fill(255,242,0,190); background(199,237,254); ellipse(width/2, height/4, width/2, width/2); // println("sun shine"); generalScene(); } void generalScene(){ //green hill 1 noStroke(); fill(72,119,62);//colour of hill ellipse(width/2, height-height/18,width, height/2); stroke(109,172,94,50);//colour of hill stroke strokeWeight(5); noFill(); ellipse(width/2, height-height/18,width -15, height/2-15); //green hill 2 noStroke(); fill(92,194,103);//colour of hill ellipse(-50, height-height/18,width+width/2, height/2); stroke(48,126,55,80);//colour of hill stroke strokeWeight(5); noFill(); ellipse(-50, height-height/18,width+width/2 -15, height/2-15); //green hill 3 noStroke(); fill(49,139,10); ellipse(width, height+height/16,width+width/2, height/2); stroke(98,203,48,60); strokeWeight(5); noFill(); ellipse(width, height+height/16,width+width/2 -15, height/2-15); } void star(int x, int y, float diff){ beginShape(); noStroke(); fill(255, 200); vertex(x, y-50*diff); vertex(x+14*diff, y-20*diff); vertex(x+47*diff, y-15*diff); vertex(x+23*diff, y+7*diff); vertex(x+29*diff, y+40*diff); vertex(x, y+25*diff); vertex(x-29*diff, y+40*diff); vertex(x-23*diff, y+7*diff); vertex(x-47*diff, y-15*diff); vertex(x-14*diff, y-20*diff); endShape(CLOSE); }

Video of the light sensor board interfacing with the processing sketch with the lights in the room slowly brought up and dimmed again.

At the moment transitioning between each scene can be a bit flicky if the readings are jumping up and down a lot between a values that are either side of changing the scene. I'd like to figure out how to fix this. It may be the way I have written the programme or it could be the processing speed.

I tried to make a kind of calibration thing for the lighting changes in a room but I didn't managed to get this working sucessfully. I'd like to get this working in the future.

I also want to look at programming with javascript as well for the other sensor boards.

word cloud for programming interface

Week 12, Apr 10


Sunshine scene when there is a lot of light

Cloud scene when there is a little bit less light

Dusk scene when there is even less light detected

Night scene when there is very low light detected or none