
principles and practices, project management

Week 1 Overview

The first week of Fablab involved a lecture covering Digital Fabrication and project management.

Week 1 Assignment was to create a website to document the fablab work, describe yourself and the ideas I have for the final project.

Through out the course we will be using Mercurial to store the projects we create and for version control as we edit our data along the way.

A link to this weeks Fablab topic and assignment

Getting to grips with Version Control Software
Virtual Box, Ubuntu, & Mercurial on a windows pc

It’s taken me a long time to get virtual box and Ubuntu set up on my computer. I’m still mid way through setting up Mercurial. Not being used to the command line has caused me a few of problems.

Some links that were useful when I was setting up Virtual box, Ubunto and Mercurial;


To create the website I used html and css. I downloaded a trial version of dreamweaver to help create the website.

Final Project Ideas

I have a few ideas that I've been thinking about for my final project. The main thing I’d like to do is create some sort of interactive museum exhibit or part of one. For the moment I've added one idea here but as they spring to mind I'll be updating them on this page.

The first idea I've had for a final project is to create some sort of interactive table top with an overlay of flexible material on a touch screen.

There could be different surface textures on the overlay using different materials like felt, rubber, etc. Also there could be sensor built into this surface.

There could be audio and vibrations or other output built into the piece.

An additional element could be an image projected onto the table top.

drawing on first idea first image

If the overlay was flexible it could be used to interact with the touch screen underneath it. The image below shows that the material could be have some sort of capacitive layer underneath it to work with the touch screen.

drawing on first idea second image

Although the idea if fairly complex as a whole, it's a starting point that I can take certain elements from to design and build.

pencil shaving

Week 1, Jan 23