This week the assignment is to cut something out using the laser cutter. It's quite easy and fun to do. Even though I learned it fairly quickly last time I was in Vestmannaeyjar, after not using all the programs for over 6 months (again...), everything seems to be quite rusty.

I immediately had a lot of ideas. From figures that might be used for my final project to a lamp, a laptop table, a little boat, fixing my box that I started some time ago... Ideas enough, but how do you work them out? With inkscape and sketchup in my case. Most of my ideas will be worked out in paper, just to save plexiglas and so on. Normally one final project will be worked out in wood or plexiglas.

I decided to use inkscape because I had a basic notion of it when I took the Fablab course in school during the year I spent in Iceland. I was hoping that it would all come back to me very fast, faster than continuously experimenting with new programs, and it did. I also used Sketchup, just because I know that I can't make a 3D box if I dont have a 3D model in front of me. So I started working out a few drawings on paper, then in sketchup and inkskape and in the end I cut out a box (and laptop table) in the lazercutter.

For the assignment on the vinyl cutter I also had some ideas. Near closing time, while cleaning up the lab the question came 'Is this laptop adaptor from you?' So, I'll let the vinylcutter cut out my name an put that on the loader of my laptop, so that when we clean up, everybody knows who's loader it is.

When I was in Belgium this summer I was organising my room, and I was thinking about "Lyfid er yndislegt" or "Heima er best" somewhere on my wall. So these are also two ideas for the vinyl cutter. However, the redecoration of our house isn't finished and mom wants to have a lighthouse for on the wall, so I might make that too.