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Final project - development

Final project

Weekly projects

   Wk 17    Invention, intellectual property and income (June)

Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project

Intellectual property and copyright rights reserved

Device: product name: "D'mala" © Sally Williams May 2015

Whilst the hardware and software design files relating to D'mala
is open source for the Fab Academy community to use or develop, I (Sally Williams), reserve the intellectual property rights for the detail presented in it's development and shared within fab academy web archive.

Dated: 23 June 2015


I have a genuine wish for my digital mala to be made available on the market for buddhist practitioners and mindfulness practitioners. For my device to be truly wearable, useful and effective, it would need to be refined and manufactured to a more compact and discreet scale. Therefore, future development would incorporate these improvements and many more. For cost-efficiency, I would look to produce it in large volumes to reduce unit cost.



As a buddhist, I would set up an arrangement with Buddhist organisations to sell the device
with all profits going to charity.

income generation

The product could also be simplified and developed to support Medical Practitioner's efforts to encourage mindfulness where this is prescribed as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The D'mala could be offered (e.g through the NHS in the UK) as a companion for the mental health patients suffering with depression, stress and anxiety.

I am confident that other
health practitioners working with mindfulness training would also be interested in the D'mala.

Funding for product development

The buddhist community I have no doubt would be interested in such a device, as they see it's direct benefit, therefore t
his might succeed as a crowd-funded project, especially as most of it's revenue would be not-for-profit. If this is not the case, then I would also look into private funding.

© Sally Williams June 2015. All intellectual property rights reserved.

summary of final project