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shirley niemans

week 17 invention, intellectual property, income

"develop a plan for dissemination of your final project".


A couple of weeks into the academy, I stumbled upon the open source project MOTI on Github. MOTI is a robotic ball that helps autistic children deal with emotions and gathers data in order to help these kids better. The makers explain why they've chosen to put all their data, designs, tech specs and code on Github for others to use, and make their own MOTI's; it's to learn more, faster.

When I think about the Fab Temari's, I see them less as a product in stores but more as an open source project and accomanying platform, on which parents can share ideas, code, extensions to the hard- and software, but also thoughts on play and games. What works for different age groups, how did you do it, let's make it even better. I'd personally be very interested in thinking about play and toys like that.

In order for the project to be dissemenated at all, I should redesign and improve the balls to make them more durable. That means no loose electronics (all in one pcb as opposed to many breakout boards) the on/off switch on the outside of the ball, hidden under the silicone. There should also be a battery holder, to allow for easy replacement.

I found a licence that fits this purpose well, the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This licence allows for others to use and build on the project, al long as it's not commercially exploited and credit goes to the original maker. Also, and this is perfect for the platform, others that build on this work must distribute it under the same licence. That way, the project will continue to grow and, hopefully, improve.

.................................................................................................................................................................................. Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.