Théo Lepage-Richer

Fab Academy / Digital Fabrication 2015

About this Website

This website was built using Brackets – Adobe’s open source, web development software – and a free template that can be downloaded here. It was my first attempt at 'actually' building a web site and – however basic mine ended up being – I found it fairly convenient, as I used the w3schools’ online how-to section to find all the necessary tags for HTML. The publishing platform cargocollective also came up as quite useful in the process, as it visualizes the HTML translation of most of the modifications/actions that its user engages. To calibrate my pictures and reduce their size, I used GIMP – a free alternative to Adobe Photoshop.

  • Week: 00
  • Subject: Project Management
  • Tools: Brackets, GIMP
  • Objective: Designing a personnal website using HTML and CSS

Project 01a
Brackets is an open source, web development software written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It allows the user to write the code of his/her program while visualizing in real time the project's front-end.
Project 01b
GIMP is an open source, raster graphics editor. I mostly used it to reduce the size of my images to make them more 'web-friendly'.