Fab Academy


In this week assignment, we have to design circuit board by using software. I did not do it before ever. So need to start
from downloading and Installation of perticular software. I seen lot of software for electronic designing. But I select EAGLE
Because while reading tutorial I got tutorial for Eagle to install on my system. So I download it and install this freeware

Download EAGLE installer for perticulor OS from Cadsoftusa.com and Installed it. As I am using linux

Now I have to update library with all necessary componant in it for circuitry I have to design. upto I understand such concept
Currantly I downloaded fab.lbr library with needed componant for Hallo Echo and add it in EAGLEs Library. Then update this library
to make it use in Eagle.

For circuit board we have to design, must have to design symbolic represantation or called schematic in Eagle. To do so click on
File>Open project> schematic> then window below appear

This will let us to add componant and connect through wire. But before that there is option Grid. This should be on. This option help
to organise componant on schematic in well manner I choose grid size as 0.1 inches
Open Grid and set values for it in inches. As shown in Image below.

Now here from I can start my task. Upto this it was setup to drow schematic. Now I started to add componant on schematic. I found it
in Fab library.
Then typed command ADD to add componants for Hallo Echo.

Then Libraries get open as shown in Image below. I have open fab.lbr to get my componant for circuit

Get all required componant on grid. To form circuit.

Now after getting all componants. Select wire option with appropriat width, connect componants to form circuit chematic
Using required tool from tool bar connect a componant. as shown in figur. complite Hallo echo circuit shematic.

Carry out an electrical rule check (ERC) to look for open pins, etc., and use the messages generated to correct any errors.
Use the SHOW command to follow complete nets across the screen.
By using the BOARD command or clicking the Switch-to-Board icon generates a board from the loaded schematic. All the components,
together with their connections drawn as airwires, appear beside a blank board ready for placing. Power pins are automatically
connected to the appropriate supply I was able to swich it back to schematich. This makes sure that schematic and board are consistance
. because while drowing, board and schematic need to see manytimes.

Airwires are now converted into tracks with the aid of the ROUTE command. I select Route on top. and draw traces and form circuit.
I got problem that I coudnt find way to connect two componant.Then I left as it is.
Img below shows it

But I will connect it by jumpers. I think it will not trouble anymore. Check the layout (DRC) and correct the errors (ERRORS).I checked
DRC and its gives green signl that allow me to go forward

Finally I select layer setting and select only required layer that is top layer n finalized a my circuit adding LED and BUTTON.
Go for Roland Modela to mill traces

Download Hallo_World eagle files

Download Program code