It is with anticipation and nervousness that I start fab academy.
Anticipation in that this course is the culmination of my university career. Digital Fabrication is something I have been interested in ever since the (gateway drug) course in second year of Industrial design.
I blame my (then) lack of hand crafting skills and the power that digital fabrication brought to the user. 3 years later and at the end of my degree, I’ve been trying to figure out how to heighten the relationship between user and product through digital fabrication ever since.

Nervousness because I want to do the best I can. My dream is to work in an overseas fablab next year, and this course is essential to making that happen. My goals are to work as hard as I can, and have the most fun whilst doing so. I am going to give it my all.

Work hard, Have fun.

Feel free to send me an email at: Ben.Matthes.18@gmail.com