PHASE 1 |Design 3D

Using Sketch Up

I always dreamt of designing a piece of furniture! And this was my first stool design ever. This design is inspired by our lunch table chair which i fancy because of its sofisticated lokking and cool design. Though, I made a lot of changes in the design


1- Sketching on paper with dimentions:

From several sides (top, back, front, and side)

2- Design each part of your design separately

I used a technique that works well with Sketch Up, cutting the shape from a block.

3- Final step- Prepare the machining file:

I made the 2D design in order to be cut on the Shopbot, transforming the 3D design into 2D.


using Sketch Up

block to extract from one side of the stool



PHASE 2 |Machining

Using the Shopbot
Dimensions of the cut space (96cm*120cm)

At the start I faced some problems with the file format and scale, but after adjustments I have been able to cut all stool parts in 15 minutes of machining. It's important to make the most out of the material you have and avoid the waste material as much as possible.

To prepare the machining file, all the inner parts are grouped as one process and then the outter parts are cut later in order to keep a stable cutting surface for the end mill to cut, passing from 2 to 3 times depending on the end mill type and the depth of the material. In this case, The end mill passed two times cutting in a sheet with thickness 12 mm.

The Shopbot CNC machine is loud so it is better to wear safety ear muffs.

the shopbot adjusting the origin
cutting bake


PHASE 3 |Assemble

I learned alot while assembling the stool, concerning the design, the jointing technique, and the material (MDF) and its thickness.
When designing anything 'BIG', you need to keep in mind whether the material and its thickness is compatible with your design or not, or you will end of with either a fragile piece or a very heavy one.

In this case, the stool would have been more stable if the material was thicker, from 16 mm to 18 mm for instance.



Finally the stool is ready!

It is functional and fairly stable for anyone to sit on.

In observation, you can see that the back part is in angle as well as the seat to meet the body comfort while sitting and provide a back support.




Sketch Up File

