Milling & Soldering

Using the milling machine (MODELA) and electronics workbench

This is a video of the whole process:

It is my first time to use the milling machine. I have long wanted to make circuit boards using the modela and finaly i did.

It did not take time, but when it comes to accuracy and clear traces, you need to take steps neatly just to limit the number of failure trails. It took me three trials to come up with a working programmer.

Process of machining

1- Open the software (Fab Modules), set it on the output format Modela RML and the input format png

2- Insert the interior trace, using the 1/64 inch diameter end mill to mill the electrical traces

3- Fix the board using super glue, or bouble sided tape

4- Prepare the machine, zero the X, Y, and Z axis, and start milling

5- When you are done with the trace, insert the outer trace to cut the traced circuit from the excess material, using the 1/32 inch diameter end mill

6- Finally, prepare workbench and components




Programing the board

Using an AVR

For me, this is the hardest part since I am not familiar with programming languages. Going through different tutorials, i was able to upload the code using python. After programming the IC, the board can be used as a programmer itself.


Now, I can use this programmer like the AVR to program the coming project boards.


