Mechanical and Machine

For this assignment we choose to put together the mantis. Not all the parts were availabe so we fabricate these using the laser cutter. We cut out rings on the laser cutter to act as bearing for the Y axis motor and sliders for holding the Z axis in place. Once we had all the parts we put the mantis together with screws and glue.

bearing bearing
mantis mantis mantis

We then proceded to make drivers (H-bridge) for the stepper motors. We used one of the H-bridge IC to create a h-bridge module.

h-bridge h-bridge h-bridge

To drive each motor would require 2 h-bridges of this type meaning we would need 6 h-bridges for the mantis of which we did not have enough do we opted to make h-bridges from discrete components that we could find locally and came up with this. We build the driver from TIP122 transistors which would allow us to drive the stepper motors without damage to the transistor due to the motors drawing to much current.

h-bridge h-bridge