The Fabacademy experience,

Stage 2 : Collaborative Technical Development, Documentation, and Project Management

Resume of the lesson

We first have a curs with Neil Gershenfeld (trough video conference), founder of the Fab Lab concept. It give us the idea of the cours : this is not a clasical masterclass, where everything is chewed for you. Not at all. The idea is give you a global idea of what's going on , and give you some tracks to explore : learning by doing, bur also learning by exploring ourself.

So Neil made an overview of the following concept , that we should discover ourself , giving us the statut of the art :

The main complex task was to understand , and to set up the version control part : in our fablab, we've set up the mercurial solution ( well to be honnest Luciano do all the hard stuff) , which induce to learn quickly how terminal work : quit interesting infact.
The second part was to build your own webpage : I've decided to understand how HTML work, and then typed all the code in a text editor => many many hours just for this very poor website you are suffering, sorry.

But I've learnt a lot ! And my key learning is ... I need to learn a lot more ;-)

I'll use now a more convenient HTML editor like Sublime Text , and pass all the website to CSS stylesheet : I plan to have it for Stage 4.

Choice of final project

Discussing with the 2 tutors of the FabLab, about the 2 projects I had, they recommand me to go for the Laser Tag project. The main arguments were :

I'm quite agree with the 2 points, especially the second one, even if I reconize this project has a 0% of inovation ..