Computer-Controlled Machining

#This week's assignment is to MAKE SOMTHING BIG


#Step 1:

For desing my object, I use de program 'Rhinoceros' well, I use this program to all of my works in the FabLab.


Browsing for internet, I found a chair called 'Z-Chair' that I liked.

My project is re-desing this 'Z-Chair'.



#Step 2

My idea is to divide the chair into 4 equal parts. Each part has a width of 5 cm. After, I create a parts union to join the chair. The height of the chair is the 80 cm and the base to sit 37 cm.



I can join the chair with screws or glue.



I was unable to create the chair because I dont have the machine for cutting. This is the render as would.
