Output Devices

This week the exercise was about Output devices; add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something. For this exercise, i am using the same board which i have made for the Electronic Design week, which was with RGBled and Button. Here is the link to see the details

As i am using the HELLOboard, i am communicating with this board through serial monitor. By using a serial communication so for that i have connected my HELLOboard with arduino by using FTDI cable which communicate to the board with RX and TX Pinouts. Here is the link to download Arduino code

Serial Communication

After doing the debugging the HELLOboard (this topic you can find in the post of Input Device), now the HELLOboard can communicate with serial monitor.

In the Arduino code, i have define the some characters so its more about sending a massage to board by typing the characters in serial monitor. while you are sending the data to serial, arduino is reading that data from the serial and starts to react, depending on the value. In the code, when you type 'R', the led starts fading in and fading out while changing colours, then 'G' is to blink the RGBled with the delay of half second and its changes the colours, and 'B' is to blink continuously by defining the RGB pinouts in For loop and its blinks in different colours. character L is to go back to Primary stage.
NOTE: After doing this exercise, i have started working on FabIMU board to controll all four motors as Output device, to understand how all four motors will be controlled by 6 axis of Gyroscope and Accelerometer, to stabilise the flight of the drone by controlling all four motors individually to controll PITCH and ROLL movemnet of flight.
Starting and stoping the Motors The engine launch is done by tilting the yaw stick right while having the throttle stick in minimum position.
(An alternative method was also introduced recently: roll stick right while having the throttle stick in minimum position)
 For security reasons, the throttle stick must be set to minimum.
 Now motors turn at an idle rate and the quadcopter is ready for flight.
 Once armed, FabIMU should permanently switch ON the status LED and once disarmed, FabIMU should permanently switch OFF the status LED.