Computer-aided design

I make most of my income from creating 3D modelling.
in my everyday work I use the softwares- AutoCad and 3DsMax.

autocadlogo 3dmax

I have been using this softwares for five years now.
I started using them becuase five years ago they were
the best softwares there is for good high end 3D modelling.
for this assignment I decied to try some new free softwares.
I decided to try 123D design for the 3D modelling, becuase
it has a simillar interface to 3Dsmax.


for the 2D design I decided to try Inkscape, becuase it is similar
to Adobe Illustrator, which I also know and love.


after playing around with both of the softwares I decided to go back
to my familiar zone- AutoCad and 3Dsmax.
123D Design is much more easier to use and to handle than 3DsMax,
However, after working with it for so long I feel my options are
endless in this software.
The way I work with the softwares is:
I start by creating the 2D sketch in AutoCad.


after creating the 2D sketch I save it as PDF so I can send it or edit
it in a different way.


after creating the 2D sketch I can easily create the 3D model from the
2D sketch without having to transfer to a different software.
This saves a lot of time.


after creating the 3D model in Autocad I transfer the model to 3Dsmax.
I transfer the 3d model the 3Dsmax becuase, in 3Dsmax I create the,
texture, lighting and the environment to the 3D model.

I transfer the model by opening the 3Dsmax software and than,
File-->References-->File link manager


I feel that with this two softwares I can totally control my 2D and 3D illustrations.
this is possible becuase they work really good together.
After I transfer the file I give different textures to each layer.
after I give the textures and set the lighting I render the environment
in order to create an image.


In the next Image is a close up example of high these two different bricks
will come together and could create different things.


The idea of my final project is to close an electric circle by creating a furniture.
this furntire can be create from diffrent materials.
the different materials can give a diffrent function to the furniture.
wooden furniture:

wood woodchair

The light brick will turn on when the furntiure will be biult in the right way.

flexible material(softer than wood):

rubbertable rubberchair

transparent material:

glasstable glasschair