Applications and implications

Who's done what beforehand?

These are some inspires on the mechanism for the paneling system
Adaptive Fa[ca]de
Kiefer Technic Showroom Facade

What will it do ?

Due to the time shortage i'll do a scaled mock-up for the big design to study the mechanism and the programing on.
The image shows how the paneling system works, by using isosceles triangles
Each panel will have
Input (coming from the potentiometer)
Output (Servo motors)
Connections (Interior connections between the panel and the servo, Exterior connections with the neighbour panels)

What is the distribution plan?

This prototype Im will be working on, is to test the behaviour and the mechanism of a kinetic moving surface. It should test the technical challenges of connecting the panels together and synchronize their motion it should also test the number and the positioning of the controlling units that will have the servos and will be directly connected to the input.
On a later stage after adjusting all the mechanical and electronic techtonics this project will act as a responsive kinetic surface that deals will various input forms according to the use. It can deal with potentiometer as a manual control it can deal with sensors or even stored data or sent from the web.

What materials and components will be required?

For the body itself I'm thinking about 0.3 Cardboard I'll go with the easier to find, small screws for fixing the servos in the panels
Attiny 44, Capacitors, Resistors, ISP programmers, Servos, 5v Regulator, Resistor, FTDI Connectors and Potentiometer.
Laser cutter

Where will they come from?

From the local market in Egypt
From FAB inventory: Attiny 44, Capacitors, Resistors, ISP programmers, 5v Regulator, Resistor and FTDI Connectors
From Digikey: Potentiometer(Digikey: P3C3103-ND) servos.
Rhino5, AutoCAD and Arduino

How much will it cost?

2x3m cardboard is 1ex2, small screws 1e
From FAB inventory: Attiny 44(1.49ex5), Capacitors, Resistors, ISP programmers(2.70ex5), 5v Regulator(1.6954$x5) FTDI connectors (2.70)
From Digikey: Potentiometer(1.05e) servos(2.69ex12).
Around 45e total

What parts and systems will be made?

The panels 2D modeling (cutting and engraving AutoCAD)
The mechanism 3D modeling (digital modeling and physicl implementation)
The Boards (I'll either redesign The networking and communication boards The Bridge and The Node to work with servos. OR I'll use Fabduino for each board and get them talking)

What processes will be used?

Digital modeling (Rhino, Grasshopper and AutoCAD)
Laser cutting (The pannels)
Mechanism design (Servo arms)
The Electronics (input, output and programing)

What tasks need to be completed?

What questions needs to be answered?

Mainly my question is around the electronics and the programing, I'm confiused between using the Bus network between the panels to control the servos at the same time and using a redesigned arduino board for each panel and get them talking?

What is the schedule?

Wednesday electronics design, milling soldering
Thursday programing and troubleshooting
Friday mechanism testing and one panel fabrication
Saturday attaching more than one panel together
Sunday documentation and presentation preparation

How will it be evaluated?

My objective till next week is to have at least two panels talking and moving at the same time