Ninth Week Assignment:
In this assignment i must design, mill to make a mold to cast an object from it, i always loved classical weapons like swords and let's desgin something like that.
As always i opened my lovely inventor and started designing the mold.

let's add some color to make it look more awesome!

It's time for Modela to work! i used Modela Player4 as a windows software because i had some issues with installing ubuntu on the pc and i was running out of time, with 3mm endmill for roughing and 1.5r ball nose for finishing i had my successful mold.
i had to isolate the wax with dish cleaner liquid to make easier to get out the mold, then i poured the silicon rubber which i have got from a local store in the wax.
15 minutes later i got out my mold.

For the casting part i used the default one in the Fab Lab Inventory "Smooth-Cast 305"
HERE's my tiny sword ^_^