
This was an opportunity to test capturing software Catch and  Cubify to translate images into a 3d object.             In both cases I opted for using the online version.Google chroma browser is required.

I thought about capturing a very simple object or at least what I thought to be a simple object(s) or rather geomtry.

I selected 3 types of bits and named them


Bit1,                                              Bit2,                                           Bit3


Autodesk 123D catch

Register as a user

1. Input the min amount of picture that the program require (6)

All three attempts have failed to produce a model.

2. Used an iPhone to capture a video for each bit

3. Used  quicktime (quicktime 7 pro) to break the video into singular images Command: export| Option: Movie to image sequence.

Screen Shot 2013-02-26 at 9.23.32 PM

4. Imported all images

5. Program has a limit of  80 images

6. Selected 80 images that represented most views

Screen Shot 2013-02-26 at 9.34.16 PM

7. Result: No resemblance to scanned object

Screen Shot 2013-02-26 at 9.30.54 PM

Screen Shot 2013-02-26 at 9.49.02 PM

In speaking with Ohad it was suggest to use Cubify as it takes video as input.


Register as a user

1. Input video

2. Result: Not a workable file

Screen Shot 2013-02-26 at 9.47.08 PM

Next Time: Use Catch and input a set of images with a homogenous background and closer view of the object.

None the less I still wanted to output a print file to the makerbot Replica so I modeled a bit in Rhino to test the prints and no luck their as well. This Thursday  I will be taking it apart to check why the nozzle is not extruding and will post updates……

In testing the maker bot I have output few test files some printed well other didn’t

Object detaching of raft due to ambient temperature swing.


Model print - note the raft at edges detaching


This is what appends when things go haywire


Note the squiggle line of the raft mesh- Im uncertain what actually causes this to happen.


Calibration file to be printed on a dual extruder as they have 2 colors in them but I wanted to check aligment issues across the platform on the single extruder.

IMG_6177 IMG_6178