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Electronics Design

Group assignments

  • use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation
  • of a microcontroller circuit board

My group assignments

Individual Assignments

  • use an EDA tool to design a development board
  • that uses parts from the inventory to interact
  • and communicate with an embedded microcontroller

Have you answered these questions?

  • Linked to the group assignment page
  • Documented what you have learned in electronics design
  • Checked your board can be fabricated
  • Explained problems and how you fixed them.
  • Included original design files (Eagle, KiCad, etc.)
  • Included a ‘hero shot’

PC working environment

  • PC: MacBook Pro(16-inch,2019)
  • OS: Sonoma 14.7.2
  • Terminal: zsh

hero shot

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design a development board


KiCad is open source EDA software for designing electronic circuits and creating printed circuit boards (PCBs)

1.0 Installation (already installed in advance study : ver 8.0)

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Name Role
Schematics Schematic Design (symbols, footprints, wiring methods)
PCB for PCB design (layout)

1.1 library

A library is a collection of data on parts (symbols, footprints, 3D models, etc.) used in KiCad. Register the library in KiCad. The procedure is as follows.


  • Download the following Kicad libraries

  • Fab Kicad library

  • Digikey Kicad library
  • Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3/ Kicad library

  • Documents > KiCad > 8.0 > Library (I created this folder) > Download Library (save download library here)
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  • Open KiCad

  • Preferences > Symbol Library Management
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  • Click the “+” button, press the folder icon in the library path, select the “fab.kicad_sym” file, and click OK.
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  • Preferences > “Manage Footprint Library”
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  • Click the “+” button, press the folder icon in the library path, select the “fab.pretty” folder, and click OK.
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1.2 Create New Project

Create a new project on the prototype main board for the final project

File > New Project

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1.3 Open the schematic editor to create a schematic diagram

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1.4 Add symbol
Rotate symbols with R key if necessary

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1.5 Added power symbols

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1.6 Add cables to connect components and power supply

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1.7 Add global label

1.8 Added no connection flag on unused pins

1.9 annotation

Automatically assign a number to each component in the schematic
. If you change a part, you need to start over again

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1.10 Footprint Assignment

Select the actual part to be used here
. On the left side, select the footprint library, and on the right side, select the part you want to use (be careful about the size at this point).

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1.11 ERC

EERC (Electrical Rules Check) is a function that detects design errors such as wiring errors in schematics and power and GND mismatches, which are important for creating circuits that work correctly. After a schematic is created or edited, it can pass through the ERC to verify that the schematic is electrically correct.

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I added power flags to power and GND and did an ERC check and got some Warnings as shown above, but I ignored them because I talked to the installer and he advised me that there was no problem.


2.0 Design rule

  • Constraints

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Only the marked areas have been changed to the instructor's recommended values.

  • Net Classes (Default)

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  • Pre-defined Size (I added Power line width:0.8 mm, Signal line width: 0.4 mm)

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The instructor recommended this size.

2.1 Move to PCB from Schematic.

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2.2 Update PCB from Schematic, then click close.

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The PCB parts are update.

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2.3 Move the each PCB parts and add wire.

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If wires cross, use 0Ω to bridge the crossing point.

2.4 Add Edgecuts

I chose the circle shape to use for the Final project.

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NOTE: I was advised by Rico at Asia Review that “adding GNGs to the available pins would make it easier to use”. So I decided to edit it.

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  • Schematic alt text

  • PCB alt text

compleat! file


  • I am not good at this task, but I think I was able to proceed more smoothly than usual because I had learned about it beforehand.
  • I heard that it is easier to design if you first write on a piece of paper and check what and where you are going to connect what and where.