computer-aided design
- model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project,
- compress your images and videos,
- and post a description with your design files on your class page
Have you answered these questions?
- Modelled experimental objects/part of a possible project in 2D and 3D software
- Shown how you did it with words/images/screenshots
- Documented how you compressed your image and video files
- Included your original design files
PC working environment
- PC: MacBook Pro(16-inch,2019)
- OS: Sonoma 14.7.2
- Terminal: zsh
hero shot
2D model - vector(Inkscape)
I created a score sticker to be used in the final project.
2D model - raster(Photoshop)
I created sticker to be used in the final project.
hero video
3D model(Fusion360) I created a case for the sensor used in the final project.
Process for the hero shot and video ↓
2D model - vector
Create a score sticker to be used in the final project.
- Can handle SVG format files
- Images do not degrade when enlarged (vector format)
- Free of charge (open source)
- Many people use it as a replacement for Illustrator.
1.0 install
From Inkscape site
- Canvas: default
- keyboard:Inkscape default(inkscape.xml)
- Appearance: Colorful
1.2 Draw a suitable circle.
Note: Holding down the control key while manipulating a figure allows the figure to be enlarged or reduced while keeping the ratio constant.
1.3 We will make the size 30x30 radius so that it can be used in the final project.
1.4 Add a new layer and add text
1.5 Drag and stack the numbers in the middle of the circle.
Reference Links
- How to draw a shape, paint it, scale it, and change the order of overlaps.
- Inkscape Beginner's Level: Mastering 11 items for entering and editing text
2D Model - raster
Photoshop was used this time because it was originally installed on my computer
from hereinstallable
Created for possible use behind a creation counter in a final project.
- Image Editing: Free photo processing and modification
- Layer function: multiple elements can be overlaid and edited
- Selection tool: only certain parts of the image can be edited
- Filters & Effects: Easy application of special effects
2.0 Create a new file
2.1 Enter text
Note: Editing is invalid without confirming (enter).
2.2 Change the font Font used in this project: Marker Fite
2.3 Decorate with layer styles in fx
2.4 Export with png completion
Reference Links
image compression-JPG
This time I used homebrew to compress jpg and png images on my mac terminal
3.jpegoptim(Linux command)
3.0 Install jpegoptim with homebrew
homebrew install jpegoptim
Why can't I install it? If you look it up, the command is actually used as brew (lower case) so use brew instead of homebrew
brew install jpegoptim
It worked!
3.1 Installation Confirmation
brew list
3.2 First, use jpegoptim filename.jpg to compress without specifying size
jpegoptim filename.jpg
3.2 Then specify the image quality and compression
Note: Specify the image quality from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the rougher the image quality.
jpegoptim -m50 filename.jpg
It is much smaller!
image compression-PNG
4.pngquant(Linux command)
4.0 Install pngquant with homebrew
brew install pngquant
4.1 compression
pngquant filename.png
If this is not done, the file will be duplicated, so set the option to overwrite the file.
pngquant --ext .png --force filename.png
The file is now compressed and overwritten.
I also heard that ImageMagick was recommended by CLASS and Asia Review, so I gave it a try.
5.0 install Install using homebrew.
brew install imagemagick
5.1 check version
convert -version
5.2 test Refer to Neil's encording I try it ↓
convert all PNGs to JPGs:
mogrify -format jpg *.png
compress all JPGs to quality 50% width 1000:
mogrify -quality 50% -resize 1000 *.jpg
Done!! Compared to the original PNG file, the size is much smaller.
This one is also much smaller!
Reference Links
Compression of jpg and png in mac terminal
Video Compression
6.0 Install FFmpeg with Homebrew
brew install ffmpeg
6.1check version
ffmpeg -version
6.2 Convert file format to mov->mp4.
ffmpeg -i output_filename.mp4
Original video:
Compressed video:
6.3 Compress the previous file with a compression ratio of 10
Note: The higher the number, the higher the compression ratio.
ffmpeg -i input_filename.mp4 -crf 10 output_filename.mp4
What a surprise! Somehow the capacity has increased.
6.4 Rico at Asia Review recommended the following code in Neil encoding and explain it. Thanks!
ffmpeg -i -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -preset medium -vf scale=-2:1080 -acodec libmp3lame -q:a 4 -ar 48000 -ac 2 out_test.mp4
3D model
I created a case for the sensor used in the final project.
7.0 Sketch
7.1 Extrude
7.2 Shell
7.3 Edit feature
7.4 Sketch
7.5 Extrude
7.6 Sketch
7.7 Extrude
7.8 coupling
The BODY section is now complete.
7.9 We also design other parts.
7.10 This Fusion 360 | Module 9: Creating an animation for assembly instructionsthe animation was created with reference to