1b. Conversion from HTML to mkdocs
Setting up mkdocs
For this I wen to older student pages and copy pasted the different setting files (.yml, requirements, etc)
Than I pushed to git and did a top to bottom corrections. When the pipeline did not work for some reason, I checked the reason in the git command interface, made some changes in the .yml file, and pushed again util the pipeline worked.
Converting HTML to markdown.
I used the following site to convert what I have already done into md. After that I pushed to check if there was any issue.
Than I went around correcting the different broken links and other similar stuff.
Although there are things that do not work anymore (like my sound button) that I wont give much time to trouble shoot.
I also went back to my original Fab0 site to check on some mk stuff.
I am still finding bugs...
And no, I don't have much time to play around with plugins and to beautify my page (yet)