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Photo Effects Tool

What it is

The Photo Effects Tool is a device that connects to the lens of a DSLR camera to create unique in-cameral lighting effects like reflections and prismatic flares


Photo shot with and LED flare effect from a DSLR camera


Photos can be boring and flat unless there is a distinct foreground and background or some way to frame the subeject of the photograph. Sometimes this can be done by positioning the camera in unique ways to put out of focus objects in the frame to highlight the subject in a more intersting way. However, these methods are usually in the form of a hack, like using a CD to create prismatic effects or placing colored paper in front of the lens. These effects can also be done using photo editing software like Photoshop, but the results can look contrived and artificial. This tool helps to create these effects in-frame to create stunning and natural looking lighting effects to add visual interest to photos.


I have been an amateur photographer for many years and alwayson the lookout to create more dynamic images. I had been taking many photos during innovation training sessions in different parts of the world and was always trying to make the images as dynamic as possible as shooting photos of people drawing things on sticky notes can be a bit dull.

While on a flight I pulled up a Skill Share episode about photography on the in-flight entertainment. The presenter walked through how they took photos around the city and showed how they used an old CD to create interesting flares in camera that looked more natural than Photoshop effects added in post. I thought it was a cool way to do it and started experimenting with some tricks myself including shooting images through water bottles, wrapping different color sticky notes around my flare reducer, using mirrors, shooting through LEGO bricks, and holding LEDs and my phone under my lens to inject colored light into the frames. The results were dynamic and fun, but felt like a hack. I have felt for a while that there is a need for a tool to help create these dynamic effects without having to remember to carry a kit of random junk.


Example photo using a CD to create a prismatic rainbow background. Rainbow photo from