Week 1: Principles and Practices

I have learned 3 things in this week and documented in this web page

First: How to develop the html and css style codes for building the website simple using w3 schools and free-css template website

Second : How to upload in Github thorugh gitbash

Third: Edit the html page in Fab cloud using default editor

How to build the website using W3Schools and Notepad++?

I have learned simple coding and designed my page using various HTML and CSS techniques.

Some of the free templates website free-css.com accessed and used for the create the web layout

Some of the Style CSS conditions are declared


Page header is created by using this code


Tabs are created by using this code

The nav tag defines a set of navigation links.

The hrefattribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to.

The src attribute specifies the location (URL) of the external resource


Through Section ID command box with weekly content header is created in the webiste


Output of the above code shown likein html preview


For writing the html and css code I have used the Notepadd++ editor. snapshot is given below


Version Control

How to upload in GitHub through GitBash

Step 1: Download Git Bash

Step 2: Open GitLab account

Step 3: Generate the key using the following command

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "drmsujith18@gmail.com" ------// the command to generate the key


Step 4: Copied the key for paste in Gitlab by using the below command

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | clip // copy the key


Paste key in Profile Settings---> SSH key

Step5 : Clone the gloabal folder to my system using the command:

ssh -T git@gitlab.fabcloud.org // welcome message

$ git clone

Step 6: user name and and email will be given as input in the cmd window

$ git config --global user.name ""

$ git config --global user.email ""

Step 7: replace the public folder content with my webpage and got to gitbas and performed this operations

go to home folder run gitbash

git pull

git add --all

git commit -m"any name"

git push


Edit HTML page in Fab Cloud

I have encountered an issue with image display and correcte with the help of Fab Cloud's default editor.


Project Idea -My first sketch

Wearable Child Safety Device

my idea in the mind is transform protective device with simple options for parents. the sketch is mentioned below

push Children Safety Wearable Device

Based on the sketch, this project is a Children’s Safety Wearable Device that helps track children's movements within a defined range, especially in community apartments.

Below are the suggested IoT components for the project. I have to choose the components to minimize the cost and size of the model with increased efficacy

1. IoT Device:

A wearable safety tracker consisting of a transmitter (on the child’s wristband or locket) and a home receiver unit.

2. Input Devices (Sensors & Modules):

3. Output Devices:

4. Controller (Microcontroller/Processor):

5. Communication Technologies:

6. Additional Features: