2. Computer Aided design¶
- model (raster,
- vector, 2D, 3D,
- render,
- animate,
- simulate, …)
- a possible final project,
- compress your images and videos,
- post a description with your design files on your class page
Iam not very familiar with most of the programs that we have been using this week so i startet by google few of ths program Inkscape, gimp, blender, 360 fusion and freecad. I whatced few video on youtube. Doing that i found out that my little experiens in fusion and freecad make me feel freecad is a software that i dont like to use to much its to heavy. Fusion is a program that i like to use it seams more easy to me. however i think i will give freecad little more chance. When i look at Blender i got the feeling it is a software that i think i will like when i learn more on it this week i used it for simulation/animation inkscape is problay the software i am most familiar with its software i will use alot. Gimp is compleatly new to me, i think its a nice and easy software.
in this project i used Inkscape i desided to test a little project like top of the chair i possible will make in as my final project. i started by making a squer with 3 holes that will have one key squer. this project is not set up as a file i can or will use in the final project.
Here you9 can find the file
In raster i used Gimp i have never seen or used Gimp before so it was a new experience for me. i tok a picture of lego bricks i made in Fusion as 3d model i cut out one brick of five and change the background. Here i had big problem with the sise of the file it was 46,2 mb so i cant put it in the repo.
Orginal picture here was whith 5 briks and i cut out one and removed the background and added new one.
Here i have add new background, this is my first try of change background so it´s not perfect.
Picture of file size
3d model¶
I used Fusion and followd this Video to make a lego brick, i have very little experience in Fusoin
Hér má finna .stl skránna
Here you can finde the f3d file
I used blender to do some simulation with monkey and cloth i used this Video
simulation file was to big to add to the repo or 27Mb
How to render video from blender¶
After making tha animation of cloth falling over the monkey i render out a video from blender.
I followed the instruction from this video render video
Then i got video that was only 220kb that should been good size for video on my site, but i wasint happy with that so i decided to compress that video more and try to make it smaller
i used ffmpeg to do that and final size of that video was 107kb.
To compress that video i went to the folder i had the video in my computer and opend in comand promt and used this command for ffmpeg and instead of input.video i put the name of the video.
ffmpeg -i input_video -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -preset medium -vf scale=-2:1080 -acodec libmp3lame -q:a 4 -ar 48000 -ac 2 output_video.mp4
Render in BLender¶
I did make som 3d model of a little chair in Fusion i import that in tu blender and did some rendering following these instruction from Copilot.
1. Apply Materials:
o Exit Edit Mode by pressing Tab.
o In the Properties panel, go to the Material tab and click New to create a new material.
o Adjust the material settings to give your chair a realistic look, such as a wood texture.
2. Set Up Lighting and Camera:
o Add lights to your scene by pressing Shift + A and selecting Light. Position the lights to illuminate your chair effectively.
o Position the camera by pressing Numpad 0 to view through the camera and adjust its position and angle.
3. Render the Image:
o Go to the Render Properties panel and adjust the render settings.
o Press F12 to render the image.
Here is picture of the result.
Here you can find the Blender file
3d Modeling for final project¶
I did make 3d model of a chair that could be used in my final project that picture and documentasion will be under my final project documentasion.
Compressing picture¶
last week i use online service to compress my picture, this week i wanted to try another way to do that so i use magick image, i did that direkt from explore folder first i did compress many picture at the same time then i used this command
magick mogrify -resize 1000 -quality 80 -format jpg *.png
Then i compressed only one picture whit this comand also in explorer folder
magick input_image.png -resize 1000 -quality 80 output_image.jpg
it was much better way than using jpg optimizer online, im almóst sure i rather use magick image in the future.