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1. Principles and Practice, project management

Part 1

  • Plan and sketch a potential final project

Part 2

  • Read, Sign the student agreement and commit it to my repo.
  • Work through a git tutorial.
  • Build a personal website in the class archive describing your self and your final project. -Upload part 1 and 2 to the class archive.

How i will work through this assignment.

First thing i will do is get my git ready and get the website up and running, then i will personalize my website. then i will add the student agreementand sign it. and then i am going to do some documantation on my work while im working

How to set up Git website

i have git on three computers already to pc and one mac. therefore i will not document that proses fully i use vscode and have that also in my computers and will mostly document how i connect vscode and my computer to gitlab using ssh keygen. i also have markdown set up in my computers.

how do you set up git.

  1. first thing is to get git i use windosw operationg system. I have git in my computer so i dont install it in my computer again
  2. How to make an SSH keygen Here i had alot of problems i first tried to set up an ed25519 keygen but it just was not working so i set up rsa keyygen and that worked straigth away. and how did i do this: first i open gitbash and navigatet to the folder i keep my git on my computer. cd .. to navigate to the C drive root
    from there i navigatet to the folder i had already made in my root
    cd users/esj/.ssh
    Then i made the SSH rsa keygen with this command:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
    Then i got this message
"Generating public/private rsa key pair.     
Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/esj/.ssh/id_rsa):      
Enter passphrase for "/c/Users/esj/.ssh/id_rsa" (empty for no passphrase):      
Enter same passphrase again:      
Your identification has been saved in /c/Users/esj/.ssh/id_rsa      
Your public key has been saved in /c/Users/esj/.ssh/      
The key fingerprint is:   
down here was the fingerprint but i wont show that" 

Then i made the SSH rsa keygen with the command
cat then i copied the key and pasted in to gitlab. picture that shows  were to put things

Refere to the picture above
1. where I paste my rsa keygen.
2. here i name my key , give it a name that tells me for what computer that key is.
3. here i can say what access that key has.
4. i can set expiration day.
5. where the arrow is i press when finnished tu submit the key.

  1. How to check if your ssh keygen works. go to git bash terminal an write ssh -T
    Then i got this message
    Welcome to GitLab, @evert-jensson!

    After that i did clone mkdocs templet from fabacademy site and change out the html version tha was orginaly in my page. Fabacademy mkdocs template page

    What is Git?

    Git is developement version control serviceUse to keep track on changes as people and teams collaborate on projects togeather. earlier version of the files will always to be avalible if changes dosent work. Here are few common commands used to work with git:

 - git status (shows tha status of chenge that have been done)   
 - git add (will add change to the adding file)    
 - git commit -m "jjj" (let you do remarks on that commit to the site snd all thing that have been commit will be added to the site)   
 - git push (will push all change to remote repiository)   
 - git pull (will update the local repository)   

adjustment made to about section

After i made my about section i did put in picture of my self i had picture that was aroun 150kb i use a program called jpg optimizer to compress that picture to approximently 60kb. But when i look at my site that pictur was so big on the screen so i desided to change the sise by adding this code {: style="height: 400px; display: block; margin: 0 auto;"} to the link to the images. this code tells maximum heigt that the images should be on the site

webpage developement

I have 2 personal webpage that i developed in wordpress, i havent been updating them for a long time cause of overlode in work and live. so i have litle experience in developing webpage but only in wordpress, last year i did little test of github page and tried git at that time using Markdown. So git and Markdown is relativly new to me. I like using markdown and VScode to edit my site. 2010 i did learn little bit in C++ coding but i havent been using it sins then so im realy rusty in coding, i also been teaching litlu coding for arduino uno but ther we been using tinkercad and copying c++ code frome there in to arduino software. I am looking forward to refresh my knowledge on that area.