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About me

Hi! I am Evert Stefán Jensson. I have over 30 years experience as an electrician and im learnd electrical engineer, to day i am teaching electricians, i also have litle education in avation as pilot and flight operation officer(but never worked in that area).

My personal website

My background

I am born in the town Hafnarfjordur in south west region of Iceland, that town is about 30km from the volcano that has been erupting few times last year. causing almost 1% of the Icelandic nation have to leave there homes for good, many of them friends and relatives. every time it erupts i can see it good from my balcany.

Previous work

through out the years i have been working as an electrician and had my hands in many big and interesting project. ​ Some of the pojects is worth to mention. like service in the most famous church in Iceland Hallgrímskirkja. connecting 2 of the biggest networks in Iceland Axix hugbúnaðar hús and Kaupþing banki, and being in control of the electical system in the tallest hous in Iceland. Then i desided to follow my adwentures an 2010 i moved to Norway and lived there for 14 years, mostly working as electrician and the 3 last years there i was studying to be a teacher and work litle bit as an assistans teacher whit that study. when i gratuated from Oslomet i moved back to Iceland and startet to teach full time at 2021.

Project A

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