3. Computer Aided design

This week I will work on modeling a basic final project idea in different file type and programs. I will do it with my chosen project as well as experiment with different ideas.

As I am an engineer I have experience with 3-D model softwares like; SolidWorks, fusion, and OnShape. I think that I prefer the work flow of OnShape the best, but for learning sake I am going to focus on fusion and free cad for Fab Academy. I also what to try some fancy rendering in Blender and maybe some animation.

Resizing Images

Most of my images have been the correct size somewhere between 100-300 kb. However, I have been cropping them to be square using windows Photos. If they are too big I have been using powertoys to resize the images. It is really nice to use because it is fast.

The picture below shows the differences. In size after using Powertoys.

As you can see I have powertoys set to be 500 by 500 px. And in the encoding I have it reducing the quality.

If you want to try powertoys you can follow the instructions here.

PowerToys Windows

Resize Video

To get ffmpeg I downloaded winget so that way I could install ffmpeg from the terminal. Winget

I am using Cap Cut and also ffmpeg for video compression. I am using cap cut to crop and edit simple videos. I am using ffmpeg for compression.

ffmpeg Instructional Website

ffmpeg -i name.mp4 -c:v libx264 -b:v 512k -an outname.mp4 

Over halfed in size of my video from 12 MB to 800 KB after running the compression.

Images with ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i image.jpg -q:v 50 compressedimage.jpg

2D Design

Inkscape & Illustrator (Vector)

Here is a nice quality image of what the Tron identity disc looks like. Link I used this as a reference to recreate the disc in Inkscape. I used tools like align and difference to make this.

The image below is to show the usage of the tool object to path. Objects in Inkscape like square and circles are some what fixed in the why the can be manipulated. But with a path the point can be manipulated any way you want.

This is to show that I changed the square into a path. using obj to path

A really important tool in Inkscape in the align tool. Be careful to select the correct reference for the align tool. The image below shows the reference as being the last selected path or object.

“Spell checking in VScode is great BTW” - Spell Checker Link

This image below is to show what the path looks like after several difference functions.

Final Results Inkscape

Overall, for the limited time I had on this assignment I am very happy with the results of the final vector image. Of course it could use more time.

Link - Inkscape File

Free CAD (2-D)

Overall I thought Free CAD for 2D design was okay. One thing that I noticed was very powerful is that it has so many file type to export to.

One thing I didn’t like is that it was not snapping to points or the origin. I am sure there is a concentric or tangent function, but I didn’t look very hard. If I need 2D drawing like this I would rather use OnShape or Fusion and export the drawings in Inkscape.

When working on replication it can help to have a refrence image behind the drawing or model. This is also a way to “cheat” in blender if you have drawn a character reference in front, side and back view. This allows you to form the shapes as close to the desired shape as possible.

Final Results FreeCAD

This is the final line work I got to if FreeCAD. I don’t hate the program, but it is not as smooth as OnShape or fusion.

Link - Free CAD File

Procreate (Raster)

3D Design


This is an old Identity disc that I was working on before Fab Academy. I will now remake and improve it in fusion.

Link - OBJ OnShape File


Overall, I find OnShape to be more like SolidWorks. SolidWorks is the program I learned on in university. I find Fusions timelines to be a bit clunky if you are not using parametric modeling. I am exicted to continue with Fusion and learn more about it. Below is a brief 3D model of one side of the Identity disc.

Link - OBJ Fusion File


I am very intrested in blender. I started playing around. I find the workstation on Blender to be very overwhelming. I was not really using tutorials. I would like to find some basic resources going forward to help me.

I was able to render this small animation. It rendered an image for each frame and then I used Premier Pro to make the video below.

Link - Blender File