4. Embedded Programming

I wanted to learn mini-python for this part of the course.
Reason being, I began learning python a few weeks
ago and wanted to build upon that which I started on.
Recently I purchased an Arduino Uno R3 from amazon kit
for only $32 and found out that python will not work
with that board and that C/C++ is the recommended
language for programmiong this type of board.


For research I will be watching a few Udemy videos on Arduino basics
& Arduino C/C++ programming to help me learn the to program this
board and begin to design and work on small projects and complete
this weeks' assignment. Here are a few that will help along the way.
For simulation testing I will use Wokwi before I actually use my
Arduino kit.


Here are screen shots of the videos that I am using to increase my
knowledge and know-how with arduino boards and programming them.

3 Udemy Videos on Arduino
Arduino wokwi mastery

Here are a few Udemy links that I used

Arduino expert

Arduino Simulation

Arduino web editor

Work Files

Get LED to blink

Getting the LED to blink

grid under board

Grid turned on to simulate breadboard

Items to add

A list of selectable components to use in this project


Resistor color code info sheet I used to better understand color arrangement

Wokwi Simulations

Here is a video of me turning on the LED in Wokwi

Power On LED Video

Here is a pdf on how I did it

How I did it

Here is a copy of the file itself

Justyn LED Arduino Project