Welcome to Justyn Woods Fab Academy site!
This is an example student documentation for the Fab Academy. You can edit this HTML on Gitlab Fabcloud. Below you can find a example list to organize each week's documentation into separate pages. You can also change the looks of your website by using CSS with the style.css
Weekly assignments
- week 01 Project management
- week 02 Computer Aided design
- week 03 Computer controlled cutting
- week 04 Embedded programming
- week 05 3D Scanning and printing
- week 06 Electronics design
- week 07 Computer controlled machining
- week 08 Electronics production
- week 09 Molding and casting
- week 10 Output devices
- week 11 Mechanical design & machine design
- week 12 Input devices
- week 13 Networking and communications
- week 14 Interface and application programming
- week 15 Wildcard week
- week 16 Applications and implications
- week 17 Invention, intellectual property and income
- week 18 Project development