5. 3D scanning and printing¶
image to hero shot
Individual Assignment¶
- design and 3D print an object (small, few cm3, limited by printer time) that could not be made subtractively
- 3D scan an object (and optionally print it)
I created a project to have ChatGPT summarize the assignment. For those who don’t know, ChatGPT’s “project” function is a new function that allows you to centrally manage chats, files, and custom instructions related to specific topics or projects. It is very useful when similar instructions are repeated. If you have custom instructions prepared, you can simply pass the subtitle file to have it summarize the assignment.
Provide the provided files and lecture information. Describe the assignment requirements in detail. Summarize the assignment requirements in detail.
## 0-1. Identifying Requirements
The following is a detailed summary of the 3D scanning and 3D printing assignment requirements explained in the lecture.
### 1. 3D Printing Assignment
- **Pursuit of Originality:**
You are required to create a design that takes advantage of the unique characteristics of 3D printing and cannot be achieved with conventional subtractive manufacturing (such as milling). Specifically, it is necessary to incorporate elements that demonstrate the advantages of 3D printing, such as nested parts or overhangs (shapes that require no or minimal support material).
**Application of Design Rules**
- **Supports and Bridges:**
Design to ensure that unnecessary support materials are not generated during printing by using appropriate overhang angles (e.g., 30 degrees or more) and bridging techniques so that layers are firmly stacked.
- **Wall Thickness and Filament Flow:**
Design that considers the printer's performance and constraints, such as filament thickness during printing, infill patterns, and interlayer adhesion, is important.
**File Submission**
- **Design Files:**
Submit the original design files, such as CAD data or STL files. Note that if the STL file is very large, it is not always necessary to submit the entire file.
**Size Restrictions**
- **Consider Printing Time:**
Design the object so that it is not too large. It is recommended to keep it at a realistic size in terms of printing time and material costs.
### 2. 3D Scanning Assignment
- **Object Scanning:**
To experience the basics of 3D scanning, scan an arbitrary object and acquire its shape (and optionally texture) as digital data.
**Scanning Methods**
- **Various Techniques:**
The lecture introduced various methods, such as acquiring point cloud data and generating triangular meshes, photogrammetry, laser scanning, structured light, and even scanning with smartphone apps.
- **Points to Note:**
Scanning results are greatly affected by lighting conditions, background, and the object's surface characteristics, so holes may appear or data may be partially missing. This is also something to learn as part of the scanning process.
- **Minimum Submission:**
Submit at least the digital data of "something you scanned."
- **Optional:**
If possible, consider 3D printing the object based on the scanned data.
### 3. Common Points
- **Experimentation and Learning:**
The purpose of both assignments is to experience the technical constraints and possibilities of 3D printing and scanning technologies and to deepen your understanding through practice.
- **Process Recording:**
Recording the progress of your work, the tools and methods you used, the problems you encountered, and their solutions will be helpful for later reflection and evaluation.
In this way, the assignment is set up to learn a wide range of digital fabrication technologies from two aspects: creating designs using 3D printing and digitizing actual objects using 3D scanning.
0-2. Assembling the purchased 3D printer, but it cannot be used due to initial failure…¶
For this day, I had previously purchased a Bambu lab x1 combo. The deciding factor was that it was a bit cheaper in the December Christmas sale.
I found time between work to complete the assembly of the Bambu lab x1 combo, but it had an initial failure where the PTFE tube coupler broke and the filament could not be fed out…
I have ordered a PTFE tube coupler, but the first start will be after the local session ðŸ˜
Furthermore, when I removed it, it was fixed without replacement. Apparently, in the process of removing the PTFE tube coupler, the malfunction of the tube inlet was fixed.
Anyway, I can now do 3D printing at home.
01. Group work¶
See here for details. or more information, see the Week 05: Group assignment page.
02. Individual Assignment¶
02-1: Design & Print¶
- Design with Fusion 360. This time, I was told to make something that would be difficult to do subtractively, so I designed a labyrinth. You can see that it would be difficult to do subtractively when you consider the path that the piece can pass through and the width of the window for operating it.
- Of course, it is designed parametrically.
1. Here is the printed version.
02-2: 3D Scan & 3D Print¶
I used Creality CR-Scan Ferret Pro for 3D scanning. I took 3D scans of my classmates together with my classmates in Kannai.
Creality CR-Scan Ferret Pro¶
The Creality CR-Scan Ferret Pro is very easy to use.
Create a new project from new project.
- You can create a new project when the scanner is connected to the PC.
Set the settings for scanning.
- The settings this time were as follows.
- object: face
- feature: geometry
- accuracy : hi-quality
- disable flat base : no
- The settings this time were as follows.
Press Scan when the settings are complete.
Once you have confirmed that scanning is possible, click the green play button-like mark on the right. Scanning can be started.
- Green indicates the best scan. Maintain this condition.
- Green indicates the best scan. Maintain this condition.
Scan 360 degrees. See the video for details.
- Click the red square stop mark-like button on the right at a good time.
- The scanned data will be processed.
- The scanned data will be processed.
- When completed, color mapping is possible. You can download the obj format data by clicking the DL button in the lower right. You can download the scanned data from here.
- The above is my classmate, Mr. Tokuyama. In the same way, I also took 3D scans of people like Mr. Hayashi and me.
Let’s print it out since I have it.¶
- Open the obj file in Fusion 360.
- When you select the body, you can select repair. There is no problem with the settings as they are, so press OK.
When the repair is completed, the holes will be filled. Export this as an Stl file and print it with a 3D printer.
Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Combo can shoot time-lapse videos when printing with a 3D printer. Please set the following three settings to set up for time-lapse photography.
- Prepare and format the SD card
- Prime tower setting (It is necessary to move the nozzle header each time to optimize for shooting, and this is a tower to store the extra feeder scraps that occur at that time.)
- timelaspue: smooth
- It seems that this print will take 1 hour and 13 minutes.
Here is the time-lapse of my face being completed.
3.Download link¶
Create a snippet to easily compress videos with ffmpeg¶
* I realized that I wanted to compress videos individually each time, so I created a command snippet to make the work easier.
* I use [Alfred](https://www.alfredapp.com/) as a snippet tool. Alfred is a macOS app to boost your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more.
* Copy the file name (or file path) and use the snippet.
ffmpeg -i {clipboard} -vf "scale=-2:720,fps=30" -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 28 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -an -movflags +faststart -fs 10M