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01. Potential final project


1. Concept: Mobile 3D printer

The concept is a mobile 3D printer capable of printing objects larger than its own size, something traditional 3D printers cannot achieve. In theory, it could print objects of unlimited size (for example, Pyramid).
The machine moves in the X and Y directions using three or four omni-wheels, while an arm provides elevation in the Z direction (though this limits the print height). Ideally, it would also have the ability to climb onto the printed object and continue printing, further extending its capabilities.

A. Context: Termites and construction machinery

As I explored the potential of mobile 3D printers, termites came to mind. These insects construct massive anthills far larger than themselves through swarm collaboration, relying on distributed intelligence rather than a centralized master plan (Termite Wiki).
I also considered construction machinery. Although the scale varies greatly, modern 3D-guided construction machines function similarly to 3D printers—processing 3D data of the target structure and current terrain to control their actuators. Typically, larger construction machines enable a single operator to accomplish more work. But what if, instead of relying on a single operator, a swarm of small autonomous machines could work together like termites to build large structures?

B. Potential applications

Unlike traditional 3D printers, this machine is designed not for precise printing in a controlled indoor environment, but for more rugged and large-scale printing. Below are some potential applications I imagine:

  • Printing large products (such as furniture and ship)
  • Constructing housing and foundations
  • Building and repairing roads
  • Developing lunar bases...

C. Research

As reference for my project, I found some interesting and advanced projects, both commercial and research. The biggest vision difference with the machine I imagine is for outdoor construction work, and therefore to be small, simple and collaborative, like termites.
Commercial product:

Research and Fab project:

2. Design principles

  1. Keep it simple
  2. Make it smaller
  3. Make it robust
  4. Compromise accurecy (e.g., Not sub-mm precision, but mm)

3. Components

Below is a list of essential components.

Types Name Description
Input devices Thermostat For hotend
Endstop For Z axis
Rotary encoder For X and Y axis
Interface e.g., Bluetooth, SD-card
Output devices Stepper motor For wheels and extruder
Heater For hotend
Cooling fan For extruder
Process Microcontroller
Electrical Power source Battery or cable
Mechanical Omni-wheel Make or purchase
Program 3D print firmware To tlanslate G-code to motor control (e.g., Merlin, Clipper)
Custom slicer To avoid conflict with objects while printing (Grassshopper)

4. Project targets

I set multiple project targets and triage the importance and dependencies of each task...

  1. Proof of concept 01: XY move controlled with G-code (without Z move and printing capability)
  2. Proof of concept 02: Controling extruder with microcontroller
  3. Minimum viable products 01: Integration of XY move and extruder
  4. Minimum viable products 02: Implimentation of Z move and custom G-code generator