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RP2040 Pinout and firmware

Simulator: Wokwi
Recitation Debugging 2025


Ref. MicroPython Setup for XIAO RP2040_JP

Xiao RP2040 Raspberry Pi Pico
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Ref. Summary of Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 Pinout_JP

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Adafruit AR_iOS
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Arduino <- -> MicroPython

Flashing via UF2 bootloader

- Hold down the BOOTSEL button while plugging the board into USB.  
- The uf2 file below should then be copied to the USB mass storage device that appears.
- Once programming of the new firmware is complete the device will automatically reset and be ready for use.

Ref. MicroPython

Download UF2 file

MicroPython firmware

Ref. Seeed XIAO RP2040_JP

Resetting Flash memory

Ref. Pico-series Microcontrollers


“XIAO” pin number “D~” -> “Pico” pin number “GP~”

  • MicroPython: Without the “GP” prefix, only the number “~”
  • CircuitPython: With the “GP” prefix followed by the number, like “GP1”

Ref. MicroPython Setup for XIAO RP2040_JP