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Memo - Remaining To-Dos

Week 01 - Project Management

  • [ ] About me section
  • [ ] Final Project Ideas
  • [ ] Find out how to reorder the pages?

Week 02 - Computer Aided Design (CAD)

  • [ ] Exporting animated flower, reducing size and uploading it
    • Ask instructor for how to export files, and reduce size
  • [ ] Inkscape design - for my Chair

Week 03 - Computer controlled cutting

Rico’s feedback
- [ ] The Parametric design section could use a bit more description.
Where to find the Parametric spreadsheet feature in fusion? How to set up new parameters? How did you make decision as to which parameters to create? How did you set up mathematical relationships between parameters? How to utilize the created parameters in a sketch? - [ ] Did you design and make the bent corner ‘prototype’? How did you do that?
- [ ] Show how you exported your design files as DXF in Fusion?
- [ ] More needed on the lasercutting of your press-fit pieces. What did your final design file look like? Did you ‘nest’ your parts? Any issues with laser cutting? How long did it take?
- [ ] More explanatory text needed for the Vinyl Cutting section. Where did you get the duck image (attribution)? How did you load it in the cutter software? What settings did you use? Did you succeed on your first try? Any problems? How did you ‘weed’ your design? How did you transfer your cut design from the vinyl sheet to your mug?
- [ ] The bird design file must also be added to your documentation.
- [ ] Your ‘links’ are text only…not live links, please convert them to live (clickable) links - [ ] Group assignment is a little incorrect
- [ ] FLK lasercutter spec

Week 04 - Embedded programming

Rico’s feedback
- [ ] You mentioned in reflections that you learned to write a basic program…maybe describe with more specificity what you learned about programming (ie. syntax, functions, commands, parameters, etc.)
- [ ] You might want to have an image showing where in the datasheet you gathered this information

Week 05 - 3D scanning & printing

Week 06 - Electronics Design

Week 07 - Computer controlled machining

Week 08 - Electronics production

Week 09 - Input devices

Week 10 - Output devices

Week 11 - Networking and communications

Week 12/13 - Mechanical design, machine design


Week 14 - Molding & casting

Week 15 - Interface & apps programing

Week 16 - System integration


Week 17 - Apps & implimentations, project development

Week 18 - Invention, IP, Income

Image captions

Albuquerque, New Mexico

:warning: Warning: Do not push the big red button.

:memo: Note: Sunrises are beautiful.

:bulb: Tip: Remember to appreciate the little things in life.