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The group

The group is working from different location in Iceland so some preparation was done online before the main week. Here are links to the individual documentation pages of group members:

Bjartur Leó Hlynsson

Björn Hreinsson

Högni Friðriksson

Jóhannes Andrésson

Ólöf Hannesdóttir

The assignments:

The group assignments:

  • Design a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation + application
  • Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
  • Actuate and automate your machine
  • Document the group project

The individual assignment:

  • Document your individual contribution

Questions to be answered/from Nueval:

Have you answered these questions?

  • Documented the machine building process to the group page
  • Documented your individual contribution to this project on your own website
  • Linked to the group page from your individual page as well as from group page to your individual pages
  • Shown how your team planned, allocated tasks and executed the project (Group page)
  • Described problems and how the team solved them (Group page)
  • Listed possible improvements for this project (Group page)
  • Included your design files (Group page)
  • You need to present your machine globally and/or include a 1 min video (1920x1080 HTML5 MP4) + slide (1920x1080 PNG) (Group page)

To have in mind

Important factors to have in mind from FAQ in Nueval:

  • We don't have to design new boards, we can use any board.

  • Each member needs to provide at least a week's worth of work.

Hero shots

Video presentation

The general idea

Desktop landscape model of an Icelandic fjord with realistic simulation of sun path

Our project was sparked by this idea. Then it was the developed further by Jóhannes who visualized this idea as a machine as can be seen here below. Then Bjartur Leó Hlynsson, Björn Hreinsson and Högni Friðriksson added to the development of the idea when the group started working together. The main idea is to create a machine that shows how the sun disappears behind the tall mountains for a few weeks each year in some places in Iceland. We are a group of five and three of us live in places where the sun disappears, Ísafjörður and Neskaupstaður. The other two people in our group live in places where the sun can be seen all year, Bjartur in Vestmannaeyjar and Björn in Akureyri. Despite that it would be fun to create a model for all four places, but we will begin with Ísafjörður. Then we will see if there is time to create a model for the other places.

Machine idea

Buttons are used to choose time and date and then the light should move to the spot where the sun would be.

Assembly tree and who does what

Base with cutout for DC-supply and input switches

Assigned to Ólöf Hannesdóttir.

Material: 6mm birch plywood. Manufacturing: Lasercut and rasterized in Epilog laser. Notes: Include space for PCB, motor control, cables, motors, gears.

  • Designed
  • Cut out
  • Assembled

Arm with sun

Assigned to Björn Hreinsson.

Material: ... Manufacturing: Notes: Include cable routing and seat for light bulb.

  • Designed
  • 3D printed
  • Assembled

Plate with 3D landscape

Assigned to Bjartur Leó Hlynsson.

Material: Manufacturing: Notes: Maybe two-colour print, Could even be five color or multi material. Whould be cool to have atleast the ocean and landscape in different colours. One idea was to use Transparent Blue PVB for the water. The sun path will only be true for the center of the map (rotational axis). Make sure the POI is centered on the model. The height of the terrain must correspond to the length and width of the model. We must not distort the geodesic model. Ideally, we must select the radius of the model, that all from the POI visible mountains (that could cast shadows) are contained.

  • Designed
  • 3D printed
  • Done

PCBs with microcontroller and motor controls

Assigned to... Notes: Calculate current consumption, voltage regulator.

Material: Manufacturing: Notes: Most likely two PCBs....

  • Designed
  • Milled out
  • Soldered

Internal mounting brackets

Assigned to...

Material: Manufacturing: Notes:

  • Designed
  • 3D printed
  • Assembled

Gears for both rotational axes

Assigned to...

Material: Manufacturing: Notes:

  • Designed
  • ???
  • Assembled

Design the mathematical model behind the sun path depending on geographical location

Assigned to... Notes: The sun path will only be true for the center of the map (rotational axis). Make sure the POI is centered on the model. The height of the terrain must correspond to the length and width of the model. We must not distort the geodesic model. Ideally, we must select the radius of the model, that all from the POI visible mountains (that could cast shadows) are contained.

  • Designed

Write and debug the programs

Assigned to... Notes: Which programming language should we use? make a complete 3D assembly - what software?

  • Designed

Design interfaces between different subassemblies

Assigned to...


  • Designed

Complete the 3D assembly

Assigned to everybody. Notes:

  • Completed!

Video documentation

Assigned to everybody. Notes: Use the landscape setup.

  • Completed!

Purchased parts

What do we need and where from?

Assigned to...

  • Two motors - Name of responsible person
  • Microcontrollers (2 pieces?) - Name of responsible person
  • Motor controller - Name of responsible person
  • Switches (how many?) - Name of responsible person
  • Potentiometer? - Bjartur Leó Hlynsson
  • Home position switch - Bjartur Leó Hlynsson
  • DC power supply - Name of responsible person
  • Voltage regulator - Name of responsible person
  • Light source - Bjartur Leó Hlynsson
  • High bridges - Name of responsible person
  • Screen - Bjartur Leó Hlynsson

The process

The first spiral

3D map - converting an image to .stl

A 3D map of Iceland

We found a 3D map of Iceland here. This site belongs to the Icelandic Institute of Natural History. On the map you can choose which part of Iceland you want to download and we chose the area where Ísafjörður is. Then we downloaded the elevation model named ISN2016, as you can see in the picture below.

Downloading the map

Converting an image to .stl

We used the ImgConverter found here in the Microsoft Store to convert this image of Iceland to a .stl file.

To convert the GEOTIFF file into a grayscale image use QGIS. - Import raster layer - Export selected area as PNG

Codes used


Problems and how they were solved

Possible improvements
