Remember: YOU DON'T HAVE TO REINVENT THE WHEEL Pre-design (inspired by vid: Conclusion: there's a lot to do, let's get to it! complexity scale x(simple)... xxx(complex) 1) Core functions/ requirements - Algorithm wise ->xx distributed communication between robots (asynchronous, event driven) physical connection required? What options are there for asynchronous communications? ->x communication to user interface (depends on microcontroller, in general excessive tutorials online) ->xxx figure out where each robot is in relation to another ->xxx spread info of new task to everyone - Electronics ->xx plug'n'play charging for robots (best if implemented in storage box) ->x-xx enable communication between robots ->x button for physical input ->xx feedback LEDs that change according to chosen game/ remaining battery (opt: sound/ vibration output) ->xx turn on automatically when removed from storage box - Mechanical ->x allow for modular design to test different parameters ->xxx robustness -> product available for children, too! - User/ consumer requirements ->xxx make usage intuitive -> psychological & simple chassis/storage box design ->xx easily available UI and simple & intuitive layout of website ->xx keep it cheap as mass production is the goal 2) Block diagram of internal connection of core functions + connection (protocols) between them -> see paper/file vid basics communication protocols: -NFC Communication: Sort dist (max 4cm) small data transfer -> HCE protocol stack + same device can both receive and send data + easy code uploading via phone app. (Cards to play games can be bought as trading card game for further gamification!! -> no GUI required for the start!!) + reliable - slow (ca half to a third of the speed of Manchester encoding) + no device syncing required + cheap - low rate of transfering data - vulnerable to eavesdropping + fast set-up time + puzz robs could charge each other + compatible with STM32, though I don not quite understand how yet: + available ua for Arduinos and ESPs => Fiiting microcontroller: NFC Cortex-M0 Microcontroller PN7362AUHN, 4.69$ (only chip, features UART, too) => More info: 3) Select brain of operation Requirements (according to 1) and 2)): - 1. communication protocol availability: I2C, UART/ MQTT -> clock crystal needed - 2. support of event-driven architecture -> at the very least 16-bit options - 3. portable charging option -> low battery consumption would be good - 4. at least 10 output pins (1 battery, 4-6 for LEDs, 1 power supply, 1 ground) - 5. capable of wireless communication to communicate with user interface - 6. low cost ->a full development board might only be necessary for prototyping - 7. rel. short time to create and complex problems -> good/ large community support needed, development kit available - 8. Plus: Sophia already has experience using it and a corresponding programming environment and language Other specs: - speed does not seem to be crucial -> 32-bit optimal, but 16-bit microcontroller also possible - opt. add sound or vibration user feedback -> scalability and expandability have to be possible FPGA not required and too complex functions to simply code in FPGA, high cost (vid: Microprossesor not required ->no high rendering required, low enough data rate needed, mobile application, high cost (vid: => Microcontroller is enough (and honestly best) vid choosing microcontroller: Considered options: - ESP32 check: 1-8 (though 8 is shaky, bad experiences) ESP-NOW peer-to-peer communication (replaces upper 5 layers of OSI): + no central broker required - payload data max of 250 bytes + ECDH and AES encryption - device-pairing required - many-to-many communication possible, only low numbers of participants possible -> no scaling + nfc compatable through additional module Cost (6.) : 7.66 Euro ESP32-C6-DEVKITM-1-N4 Digikey: 9.57 Euro ESP32-DEVKITC-32E espressif Digikey: 21.54 Euro DEV-14430 SparkFun Electronics Digikey: chepaer development kits not available; many different options for same price though; Sophia has some at home just the chip: 2.57 Euro ESP32-WROOM-32E-H4 espressif Digikey: - STM32 check: 1-7 Cost (6.): there is way to many options. Prices tend to be higher than the ones from ESP 299.16 Euro EPC9147C Eval board Digikey: 18.16 Euro B-G431B-ESC1 eval board Digikey: just the chip: 2.74 Euro STM32F031K4U6 stmicroelectronics Digikey: - the controller Ferdi/Matthias showed me from seed studio XIAO Very new, enough community support provided? - Arduino options: check 1-8, though 1, 6 medium + I am extremly comfortable using Arduino stuff - Arduino DUE (32 bit) 29 Euro , 48 Euro info: - Arduino Zero (32 bit) 47.95 Euro, Arduino MKR Zero 32.09 Euro 1. many-to-many possible: - max 125 participants, max simulatanious communication with 6 other participants + super low battery consumption - Hailege 3pcs RP2040-Zero PICO Development Board RP2040 Microcontroller Dual-Core 264KB Cortex M0+ Processor 2MB Flash Pin (with Unsoldered Pins) - Attinys compare! (44a?) - quentorres - pico 4) estimate size PCB -> est size of product Microcntroller dimensions -> min. size *1.5 for passive components 5) BOM-list -> est. component and material list (and avg. budget) 6) enclosure -> amount custom components modular corners outer x4, filament required: ;material: ; printing time estimate: modular corners inner x4, same data as outer 7)est. physical complexity (and time to produce) 8) est. testing time electronics: programming: mechanical: 3 cycles ->2 dedicated days per cycle