ToDos Index: ! = Nice to have; !! = To do when convenient: !!! important; !!!! urgent; * = subject of classes in upcoming weeks; & = done; - = doing/ started task Electrical Design - !! Research removable connections/ wireless asynchronous communication with data transfer possibilities * Full design electrical circuit * UI: circuit button/ user input * UI: circuit user feedback/ LEDs/ output (opt: sound) - * Charge: circuit charging * Order electronic components/ check witch ones they have in the lab * Charge: implement charging in transport box Programming - !!!! Choose microcontroller * Code Cube: communication cube <->cube * Code cube: figure out relative position * UI: communication microcontroller <-> UI ! UI: Write/Backendstuff/ project structure ->just use FAB Academy site & UI: animation of the colorful puzz robots for the background of the website * UI: code games/ applications * Code games/ applications 3D-Model/ Skeleton/ Design !! Model: assembly preview 1 puzz robot !!! Model: fix the fingerdesign so that the corner is the origin & Model: modular fingerdesign * Design: ull 3D model with electrical components ! Design: make an school of assembled puzz robots as a 3D model * Model: Finish dimensioning box and 3D-model once electronics are all set !!! Model: corner_inner & Model: corner_outer !!! Model: skeleton cube !!! Model: modular base for connection/ sides !! Model: top with button hole and button (check online for modular buttons + sketches) ! Test: test corner connection Production process and documentation & Prod: Export spreadsheet to 3D models from FreeCAD !! Docu: Export spreadsheet to 3D models in original file format FreeCAD - !!! Docu: make yet another 2D Design of PuzzRobs & Prod: Design parametric box * Prod: Lasercut the box !! Prod: Choose material for cushioning/ box infill !! Prod: 3D print modular corners * Docu: Make technical documentation - ! Docu: Proper documentation puzz Robots (in Latex) * Docu: table of required components full * Docu: table (and download links) to parts that have to be produced & Docu/Pre-design: Redo block diagram core functions in digital & Docu: preview video animated background