You can find my student agreement here: student agreement

1. Project management

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.

Learning how to use Git


Today was the first day of Ferdi's lectures.

First I had to learn the basics of navigating the terminal on my computer. My favorite way to quickly learn how to use a software tool is to play ChatGPT. Here are a couple of prompts I used to learn the basics for my terminal.

„How can I install Git under MacOS with homebrew?“

brew install git

„How do I check if Git is installed?“

git --version

„How do I find my global username for git“’

git config --global

git config --global

„How do I create a local folder for Git and how do I use the ED255 keys?“

At this point I realized that I can't navigate file systems in the terminal. Here are the basic commands I used to navigate my computer's file system:

ls list files and documents in my current folder
ls -a list all files including hidden .files
cd change directory to a new folder. Important first directory should be without /. Example cd Documents/FabAcademy_Git
cd .. go one level up on your filesystem
cd ~ go to my home directory
mkdir create new folder
mv rename folder „old folder name“ „new folder name“
pwd show current directory
\ use backslash space to reproduce a gap in a file name


After creating my folder, I went back to GPT and asked again."How do I use the ED255 keys?" Now many errors appeared and my computer couldn't connect to GitLab because of some problems with the public key. I ran the debug information and pasted it into my GPT

ssh -vT

It didn't help :/. Then I decided to google and get a proper tutorial from GitLab's official documentation:


... and I think I found the bug: "replace with your GitLab instance URL:" .so I need to use

Now everything is fine and I got the message „Welcome to GitLab“! Perfect! I cloned my repository to my assigned Git folder which I had moved for convenience to Google Drive at this point. Now I had all the information from my Git cloned to my local repository, time to edit some files!


Back on my visual GUI I was happy to edit my about.html file. I added the paragraph „If this is published on GitLab I understood how to use git.“.

git status

Gave me no status back. I asked GPT: I am in the terminal, in the directory in which I have cloned my GIT. There I have modified my file about.html and now I want to push it to my online repository. I always get the following error. Serious no Git_repository (or any of the parent directories): .git. After reading the description I realized, that I have to navigate one level deeper to see the .git file. Now it was time to use:

        git status			get current status
        git add			add a file to your staging area
        git commit		start a commit 
        git commit -m „“	adds a message in the end wich will label the file
        git push			will push the commit to the GitLab cloud

This is the proof, that I understood how to use the basic tools. Quite satisfying to be honest!

Ferdi recommended that we use VS Codium Editor to edit our HTML files. I opened all the necessary files locally one by one and edited them with VS Codium. At this point I realized I was running out of time and decided to do the absolute minimum required for this week's assignment. I would love to spend more time creating a real website, but not this week.

For compressing the images I used telegram to compress them easily. Afterwords I did a quick crop with „preview“ to change the aspect ratio.


figcaption		adds a caption to picture
        pre			keep original format 

Useful links