How to make [almost] anything

Welcome. My name is Jakob and at the time writing (2025), I am finishing my degree in Computer and Systems Engineering (M.Sc.) at the Ilmenau University of Technology. During my studies, I focus on mathematical modelling, data analysis, and machine learning.

high-contrast monochrome picture of in-place printed snake
Foto of Sisu, my pet snake.
This web page is the documentation and basis of evaluation for my projects during the Fab Academy, a course that teaches digital fabrication methods and rapid prototyping. Lectures were held by Prof. Neil Gershenfeld, director of The Center for Bits and Atoms at the MIT. Each week, a new project had to be planned and finished. For a rough idea of what I learned during the course, you can check my final project. If you are interested in detailed, in-depth reports, you can check the weekly assignments.

The institution which I am participating the course at is the FabLab at the TU Ilmenau with Ferdinand Meier as the local instructor.