Week 03

Computer controlled cutting


Equipment at MIXFablab

Helpful Hints and Resources.

Weekly Terminology:

Weeding: The process of removing excess, unwanted vinyl from your design. Think of it as removing the negative portion of your design.

Transfer Tape: Low tack tape applied to the top of your vinyl used when installing your vinyl design.

Kerf: The amount of material removed during a cut operation.

Tolerance: The amount of clearance or wiggle room between two mating surfaces, the gap between the two surfaces.

Protip: Vectors allow us to cut just about anything with a CNC. A vector is a nice infinitely scalable line. Meaning the line will never distort and always remain precise. This precise line is what the CNC will derive as a line to which an operation will be performed.


Interesting topics, but didn't get a chance to fully explore:

A Bit of Context + Plan for the Week.

Goal 1 - Parametric Laser Parts

My goal for this week is to utilize Fusion 360 to begin a parts library for press-fit puzzle kits. I’d like to develop a library of different parts so that we can host workshops and open lab times where the community can visit, explore the lab, and have a moment to play and assemble the various parts. It’ll be one part intro to FabLab one part art therapy.

The main need when developing the library is to be able to easily adjust different parameters depending on the material we have on hand. The plan is to utilize as much scrap material for these parts as possible. Given the thickness of materials will be variable, it is essential to be able to quickly adjust parameters parametrically so that the parts can be dynamic.

With this in mind, we will take advantage of Fusion's parameters function.

We can find the parameters button under the modify tab. Once open, we can click on the plus icon to begin adding in our own parameters for our current workspace. It's important to note that when using parameters, we will substitute a numerical value for an expression of our choosing. Think of it as a known variable in an algebra equation. Examples of parameters in my workspace were as follows: