Week 2. Computer Aided Design

2D Sketch


I drew a more detailed sketch of my final project

2D sketch

3D Design

Fusion 360

I then went onto creating the sketch in 3d form in fusion

Creating the Body

I started with creating a sketch. I created a semicircle through create > arc > Center Point Arc and connected it with a line

I created parameters for dimensions and used them

parameter example

I used revolve to make it 3D

To empty the inside of the body (where the spikes shrink in) I did the same process with a smaller semicircle to make the inside empty i drew another (smaller) semi circle inside the bigger circle

empty inside


I created a right triangle with parameters and then used revolve to make it cone shaped. I used modify to move the spike on top of the body, create > circular pattern to make it go around the body and extrude > cut to make the holes in the body where the spikes are placed

urchin body

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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy