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Project proposal

What I chose to make for my final project is a robot. It is basicly somewhat similar to lab pet. Its main features include its eyes(matrix display) which make it look more pet like. It can move around and avoide objects (ultrasonic sensor) and has a camera as well


(This is a cardbox model of my projects plan)

Why I chose to make this

When most people think about the word ‘technology’ and projects related to it, a robot usually come to mind and like most people, it came to me as well. I feel like if I am able to make one, it would be cool and also fun.I usually enjoy making random crafts and projects, so I feel like a robot lines up in my list of intrests.Making a robot was also recomended by my local instructor, when I was having a hard time deciding what to make for my project.

What is it?

The ‘lab pet’ (I’ll try to change the name later if I come up with something else....) is a robot that can avoid obstacles, displayes expressions and has a camera in it as well. When coming in contact with an object from a certain distance, it will turn away and head straight till the next obstical. The display will make a different expression when the bot incounters an object, when it turns, and when the camera is activated.(I think I may try to add more if posible to the time.) Then, the camera should take pictures before incountering an object.

Concept Maping

What are the main Functions required

1- The Display There are 3 main functions, or requirments you could say for my bot. One of them, is like I mentioned earlier, it should be able to make expressions. To do this, I’ll be using two 8 by 8 matrix display to act as eyes. - 2 matrix display 8 by 8 boards. - Wires

2- The Movement For this function of the robot, I think the most components are required. I believe that while working on this part of the project, I will refer to tutorials on how to make ultra sonic sensor cars, because the layout feels somewhat similar to me. - Ultra sonic sesor - Wheels - Motors

3- The Camera I have previously worked with a esp32 cam, and remember experiencing a lot of trouble, so I’m glad that I have an idea of how to use and program this component. - Esp32 cam

What are the components needed

1-We have the wires for the connection process


2-12V 6Ah Li-ion Lithium battery as the power sourse.(the robot is going to be moving around a lot, so its better to have a portable charger than a cabel connection on the recomendation of my local instructure.)


3-Than we have the microcontroller board that works with with the display i have to make.

mc board

4- Now I need 2 portal matrix display boards (this the board that can be used to make expressions) This is a tutorial


Here is a tutirial with a similar use for the display. link


5-Then, to make it object sensing, the sensor I will try to use is a ultra-sonic sensor.


6-Than, for the camera component, I will be using the esp32 cam, as it can work with wifi connection.


7- Moters for the wheels when the robot moves


Those are all the main components!

Who is it going to help.

I believe that this project will help inspire other students to take intrest in this field as well. Due to this project not really being to strict with problem solving and flexibal to my intrests, I think that it could make other people believe that this field is fun, which could lead to having more students take the opportunities.

Thank You!

Last update: March 3, 2025